Chapter 20

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Stan didn't want to talk to anyone; he didn't want more stress on him. Stan wanted to curl into a ball and never see the light of day again. The blue-eyed male shut off his phone and sat up once again, needing to get to Sharon before anyone showed up.

Stan placed his feet down on the dirty carpet of his room, feeling nothing but pins and needles. The dark-haired male brought his legs back up and groaned. Walking wasn't an option, apparently. What could he do?


Footsteps hit the ground slowly, and before he knew it, Sharon was standing in his doorway with her arms crossed.

"Stanley, if you need me, I suggest not yelling. I nearly dropped the vase I was cleaning." Sharon scolded as she picked up the plate on Stan's nightstand. When did that get there? "Are you going to eat this? I can wrap it up and put it in the microwave later for you if you want."

"I... When did that get here?"

"I brought it up about 30 minutes ago," Kyle said, startling Stan. He was sitting near the foot of the bed, looking at Stan's Polaroids. When did Kyle get here? "You were just sitting there zoned out. I tried calling your name, but I just thought it'd be better to leave you be." the redhead explained.

"Stan? Are you doing alright, baby?" Sharon asked, placing her hand on Stan's forehead, but he was too lost in thought to even hear her. The sound of a car door closing hit his ears like a truck, and he quickly moved to the window.

Craig and Tweek were getting out of the car.

"Mom, please, I'm begging you. Don't -"

"Oh, yes. Your old friends are here, so I suggest you get up now. I've already talked to them while they were in the car." Sharon said, turning to leave. Stan sat in the bed with a dejected look on his face.

She didn't even listen!

"Y'know, it will be okay." Kyle spoke, moving closer to Stan, "Craig was in the lab with me; he's bound to know something. We'll be fine." he smiled, holding Stan's hand tightly.

Stan couldn't help but smile back. He'd push away his feelings to help his.... What were they? The raven-haired male opened his mouth to ask but was pulled out of bed by Kyle and taken down the steps instead.

There, at the bottom, two people stood in the doorway. Kyle shifted a bit more to Stan as the two males stared at him specifically. Tweek inhaled and cracked a crooked smile before stepping forward.

"Hi, sorry this is on such short notice. We were just worried about the.... Situation." Tweek said cautiously in case Sharon didn't know anything. Craig stayed behind his boyfriend, glaring harshly as he looked them up and down.

"Tweek, Craig, it's nice to see you again." Stan tried to smile as he held Kyle's hand tighter.

"Oh! I'll make some tea and then leave you four be." Sharon said, brushing off her shirt before leaving.

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