Chapter 22

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"I think we should call the number on the back of the photo. What if Ike wrote it because he wanted a way for us to contact him?" Kyle said, his eyes tracing over each number carefully. The redhead squeezed Stan's hand a bit tighter before sighing. "This is so much all at once..."

"We don't have to call him today-"

"No. We can't keep putting this off. We might have never gotten to calling Tweek and Craig if I hadn't accidentally sent that voice message."

"Kyle, I just don't want you overwhelming yourself."

"Stan, I'm fine. I promise you, I am." Kyle smiled sweetly, placing his hand on Stan's shoulder. The older sighed, staring at the redhead softly. Stan moved his old hand to push some of Kyle's curls out of his eyes while he nodded.

"Okay. If this is what you want to do, then we'll do it."

Kyle smiled gratefully, and for a moment, it was just them in the room. Only a moment.

"So, are you two going to kiss, or is the sexual tension just going to stay thick?"

"Gah! Craig!"

"Come on, honey, you see it too."

Tweek sighed and patted his boyfriend's shoulder as he looked at the two apologetically. Stan's face was bright red as he pulled away from Kyle. The redhead stared, confused, a blush dusting his own cheeks lightly.

"So we're calling the suspicious number on the back of the pic?" Craig asked, and the others nodded. Stan grabbed his phone and typed in the number; it reminded him of how he contemplated calling by himself the day they met Ike. How could he think to betray Kyle like that?

The phone rang, and the room stayed silent as they waited.


"Hi, is this Ike?"

"Um... yeah? Who is this?"

"Hi, I'm sorry I never got to call you. I'm the guy you met at your dad's law firm. The one with your brother."

"Oh shit! Hi! I thought you would never call! What do you need?"

"I'm here with a couple of friends and Kyle right now. We need any information we can. Is there any way we can talk to you in person?"

"If you send me wherever you are, I can be there in no time."

"I-Are you sure? We could come into town if it's easier for you."

"I'll be fine; I want to meet my brother."

"Ike, who are you talking to?"

"Huh? It's just Karen and Tricia, ma! We're going to go to the mall! Is that okay?"

Hide away (Stan Marsh x Kyle Broflovski)Where stories live. Discover now