Chapter 9

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The thought of Kyle being near Randy for an extended period shook him to the core. Kyle was easily influenced, and Randy was a horrible influence. "Stay here with my mom, okay? I promise I won't be long." Stan said, placing a hand on Kyle's shoulder.

"No, dear. You take your time, spend time with your father. I would love to get to know Kyle." Sharon said. Kyle simply smiled tiredly at the lady, not paying attention to the conversation around them.

"Alright, son, go put your shoes on."

Stan reluctantly left Kyle's side, putting his shoes on and leaving out the door. He grumbled unhappily as he looked back at the house. The morning soot on the ground squished against his boots, making him cringe. It made him feel like a kid again, but not in a good way-just a depressed, alcoholic kid.

Sharon turned to Kyle with a bright smile and clasped her hands together. "Would you like to head back to bed, dear? If not, you can help me with breakfast." Sharon hummed. Kyle smiled back, happy to help in whatever way he could.

"I can help." He said as they walked to the kitchen. On the way, Kyle saw pictures of Stanley when he was younger and another girl. Were they related? Kyle guessed it didn't matter to him, but he was curious. Once in the kitchen, Sharon began to take food out of the fridge. "The girl in the pictures with Stan," the redhead started, "Is that your daughter?" he questioned.

Sharon looked up from the fridge as she grabbed a few eggs. A soft smile crossed the woman's face as she handed Kyle the ovular objects. "Yes! That's my sweet girl Shelley. She's at college currently; has Stan never told you about her?" Sharon asked.

"No, ma'am," Kyle followed her with his eyes; she moved fast around the kitchen for her age. Sharon laughed, shaking her head as she waved Kyle over with her hand. The Marsh woman set a bowl in front of Kyle before busying herself with mixing pancake mix. Kyle stared at the dish in front of him with a confused look, still holding the eggs in his hands protectively. He frowned slightly. The redhead had watched Stan do this the other morning but didn't remember exactly what he did. Was Kyle supposed to know how to do this thing, too?

"Ah, yes. Shelley and Stanley never got along. Shelley would always pick on Stan, and Stan would retaliate. Those two were always fighting." Sharon sighed at the memory, her mixing hand slowing as she thought of her children. "Mrs. Marsh. I apologize, but I do not know what to do." Kyle said with a slight frown.

"Oh? Have you never cooked with your family before?"

"No, ma'am. The last time I cooked with my mother, I was... five years old...? We were making, um... potato latkes for Hanukkah! I didn't even really help, though. The only thing I remember doing is pressing the button on a... mini... blender? I remember that and my mom standing over my shoulder to ensure I didn't do anything wrong." Kyle said as a sad smile traced his lips. So people cook with their parents regularly, huh?

"Oh, you poor thing. Well, what you want to do is; take an egg, hit it gently against the table, and do you see that crack right there? Pull the egg apart slowly over the bowl. All the good stuff will fall in, and we can throw the shells away." Sharon demonstrated this to Kyle. The boy gave a determined look and began cracking the rest of the eggs he was given. The older woman also showed him how to whisk correctly. She was shocked at what a fast learner Kyle was, considering Stan still couldn't whisk to save his soul.

Soon breakfast was made, and the two redheads were waiting for the men to come back inside.

"So Kyle, are you and Stanley together?" Sharon asked, lifting her mug to her lips.

"Excuse me? What do you mean by together?"

"Y'know, dating?"

"I am unsure of what you mean by that."

"You don't have to be shy! I saw you two cuddled up in the room last night. You are cute together, and I support you both 100 percent!"

"No, Mrs. Marsh, I do not know what you mean by 'dating'. If it means friends, then yes. Stan is the best of them. My only one, excluding you."

Sharon has come to the conclusion that Kyle is a strange boy.

"Kyle, are you ready to go?" Stan asked as he walked into his old bedroom. Kyle was sitting on the bed, tugging at the sleeves of his oversized shirt. It had been over a week since Stan had met Kyle and a week since they found out about his father. Today was the day they would drive into town and go to the law firm building. All morning Kyle has been sweating like crazy and pacing back and forth, mumbling 'what ifs' under his breath.

Kyle jolted and looked up at Stan, an unreadable look on his face as he stood and went to him. The redhead buried his face into Stan's side, breathing in a few times before looking up. That had become one of Kyle's favorite ways to calm his nerves, simply breathing in whatever scent Stan seemed to have. "This is going to be your first time around so many people. You have every right to be nervous." Stan said, running his hand through Kyle's hair.

"What if he doesn't remember me? Or we don't even get to talk to him? Or he does remember me but doesn't want me back, so he sends me away again?"

"We'll help him remember, and we can come back another time if he's not there. Plus, you should know I won't let you go back to that hell by now."

Kyle smiled at Stan's words and nodded with hope in his eyes.

"I just wonder, should we do something to cover your face? Maybe a mask and glasses? Just in case? Just so we won't have to worry about anyone suspicious." Stan said.

(Cooking is not a skill Kyle has had the chance to earn, but he's trying.)

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