Chapter 11

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"No, we came here to see my father. I don't want to do this another day." Kyle said, wiping his tears. Stan frowned but nodded as he helped Kyle to his feet. They ensured Kyle had collected himself fully before following Ms. Cartman to the infamous Gerald Broflovski's office. Liane knocked carefully while Stan gave Kyle's hand a reassuring squeeze.

"Gerald! I have two wonderful people who have been waiting to talk to you! Also, Sheila stopped by and brought your lunch." Liane smiled as she ushered the boys inside. Stan watched Kyle's breathing stop. The redhead held back tears as he stared at his father. Stan knew this was a big moment for him.

Some nights Stan would wake up to Kyle on his computer, his eyes fixated on the picture of his family. Stan could see the way Kyle's eyes would glisten with tears. He'd have to gently coax Kyle back into bed, promising him sandwiches the next day. That had become one of his favorite foods. Kyle would shut off the computer and crawl back into bed slowly. Stan allowed the redhead to bury his face in his chest before falling asleep.

Kyle sat in a chair with Stan standing behind him. Gerald kept a smile on his face as the two got situated and Liane left. The youngest of the group looked at his friend and frowned. Kyle never planned this far ahead. What did he say? "Hey, this might seem crazy, but I'm your son! I was left in a lab 14 years ago by your wife and my mom!" No! He couldn't say that. So...Where did he start...?

"How can I help you both today?" Gerald asked as he straightened out the pen on his desk. Kyle inhaled.

"We're sorry this is on such short notice, but this couldn't wait any longer. We-I um..." Kyle looked at Stan again and saw him give a small smile. The redhead looked back at his father and began to speak.

"On May 26, 2002, I was born. I lived in New Jersey until I was 6. My parents brought home a baby, my new brother. Then I was driven to South Park by my mom, and... horrible things happened to me for 16 years. I finally managed to leave that place not that long ago. I know this might seem irrelevant to you, but I promise. This is important. I don't remember my brother's name, only that he was Canadian. My parents' names are Sheila and Gerald Broflovski. My name is Kyle Broflovski."

Gerald eye's widened as he took in the information. Kyle gripped his pants tightly as Gerald shook his head


"Aren't you kids too old to play jokes like this?"

"I'm not... I'm not joking. You're my dad...!" Kyle felt tears spill from his eyes. He knew Gerald wouldn't believe him, but it was still hard to hear. Gerald clicked his tongue and adjusted in his seat. Stan grabbed Kyle's shoulders, rubbing them gently.

"I apologize if you have been led to believe that, but I can assure you you're not. I only have one son. Yes, he is adopted, and yes, he is Canadian, but that could be a mere coincidence, or you could be flat-out lying." Gerald said. "If this is all you both have come for, please leave."

"Please, you have to believe me! I have spent years in pain, missing you, mom, and my brother! This isn't fair...."

"I apologize, but life isn't fair. You cannot expect to come in and play a joke, expecting me to believe it. If you boys have nothing more than please leave"

"What?! But- But he looks just like a mix between you and your wife! He has her hair, shoulders, and nose. Even your eyes!"

"I have already apologized for something I shouldn't have to. I will not discuss this matter anymore."

"Take a DNA test, then! That will tell you! You can't just give up on him like this!"

"I will not take a DNA test just to subside the needs of two needy young adults. Do not make me call security!"

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