Chapter 28

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Stan's body moved on his own. He cut the orange wire and closed his eyes. The room was silent, and Stanley couldn't bear the thought of opening his eyes and seeing the worse. Stan let the scissors drop to the ground, and he listened to the nothingness inside the room. It was so quiet except for Craig's labored breathing. He wanted to be with Kyle and live his life with him. Why was the world throwing every obstacle in his way? "Please.... I hope I did it right..."

Stan didn't know how long his eyes were closed, but it felt like hours. The silence was becoming deafening, and Stan felt as if he couldn't breathe. All he wanted was for this nightmare to end.

Suddenly the hissing of glass filled Stan's ears, and he opened his eyes without thinking. The clock was stuck on 4 seconds. Above him was smoke coming from Kyle's chamber. Stan scrambled to his feet as quickly as he could and looked at the redhead. The glass had lifted, unleashing a cold smoke that chilled Stan, but he could care less. Removing the glass and placing it on the floor, he looked at Kyle. His skin was paler than usual, and his lips blue. Kyle was unmoving, and Stan feared the worst. He placed their foreheads, trying not to cry more than he had. That's when he saw it...

The cold air passing between Kyle's lips. A breathy laugh past his lips as Kyle's chest rose and fell slowly. He was alive... Kyle was alive!

"Oh, Kyle! You're alive...! You're alive!" Stan sobbed into Kyle's red curls, pulling the sleeping man closer. He sniffled, wanting to hold Kyle, but he was physically unable to with the state of his arm and hand. "Give me a minute, okay? I'm going to get you out of here; just let me help Craig." the man spoke to himself.

Stan approached Craig, and he wasn't prepared for the amount of blood that had seeped through the man's jeans. Stan dropped to the ground, trying to do his best to inspect the would. Whenever he tried to move the Peruvian male's leg, he'd groan in pain, making the other reel back.

"Dude, who fucking shot you...?" Stan asked no one in particular. His eyes scanned the room, and he found a roll of gauze on a table; he had to step over Scott's robot to get to it. Stan moved quickly, moving Craig's phone off his thigh; he began to wrap it until he heard a ringing.

Looking at the Peruvian man's phone again, Tweek's contact was on the screen, and Stan answered immediately. There was a bit of shuffling in the background, along with a car going silent. Stan could hear Tweek's grumbles to himself as he twitched nervously.

"Hello? Craig?"

"It's me, Tweek."

"Dahhh! Why do you have Craig's phone!? Where is he?! Oh God, did something happen?!"

Stan moved the phone away from his face as the blonde yelled.

"It's okay. We got Kyle, but... Craig was shot in the leg."

The line went silent for a moment, and Stan decided to continue wrapping Craig's leg.

"By who...?"

"I'm not sure, but my guess is Cartman or Mephesto."

"I'm outside with the cops right now. I'll find you three."

Then the call ended. Stan made quick work of Craig's wound, trying his best to be gentle. Craig groaned as Stan moved him to the other side of the room. The dark-haired male took a breath, looking over at his friend and basically lover, when suddenly an alarm began blaring. Shouting came from the hallway, and Stan could hear the muffled sound of the police force telling people to get down.

Craig groaned, his eyes cracking open before shutting again. The gauze was blood-soaked already, and Stan's mind was going to a dark place. "Tweek will be here soon, I swear."

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