Chapter 19

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When Stan woke up, a weight sat on his chest, and he felt like he was suffocating. Figuratively and literally. Stan lifted his hand a placed it on his chest, only to be met with Kyle's familiar curls; he didn't even have to look down to know.

The room was so quiet.

Usually, when Stan would wake up, Sparky's snores would be filling his ears, and now only the sound of his fan spinning filled his ears. Tears began to flow, or were they always going, and he just never realized? Stan sniffled and tried to wipe his eyes, but the tears kept falling. A groan came from below him, and he tried to keep quiet, but it was too late. Kyle was already awake.

"Stan...?" A tired groan left Kyle as he lifted his hand. The redhead cupped his cheek, gently wiping the tears away.

"Kyle, please don't leave me again. I don't think I could take it...."

"I'm not going anywhere, don't worry. Do you want to lay here a bit longer?"

"Yeah, that would be nice...."

So that's what they did. Stan and Kyle cuddled until the sun was high in the sky, Stan would cry, and Kyle would do his best to help him. Every time the redhead would get up, Stan would beg him back to leave, and Kyle wouldn't.

"Stan, Kyle. I made lunch if you two are hungry." Sharon could be heard from the other side of the door. Kyle looked at Stan and gave a small smile. The redhead grabbed his hand and gave a small tug.

"Come on, let's go downstairs. We can come back. You don't even have to eat if you don't want to."

Stan sighed; he didn't want to leave the bed. It was nice here; he didn't want to leave the comfort. There was so much going on in his head, and lying down created some sort of numbness inside. Why would he want to move when he could be sad?

"I'm just going to stay here..." Stan sighed, and Kyle nodded slowly.

"Okay, I can bring you something if you'd like."

"No, just... come back quickly."

Kyle gave him one last smile before leaving the room, and Stan regretted not going with him. The room was dull without Kyle, and Stan felt alone. The blue-eyed male frowned as he tried to adjust himself on his bed.

His bed was suddenly too big.

Too stiff.

Too cold.

Too lonely.

Stan whimpered as he curled in on himself. What if Kyle went downstairs and something happened? What if he got hurt? What if his mom got hurt? Who else would he lose before Kyle was completely safe?

Was it worth it going to be worth it in the end...?

Was he doing this all just to lose everything he cared about...?

Would Kyle even stay in the end...?

Stan hated doubting himself, and yet, at times, that was all he could do. Stan knew he wasn't the smartest, but to doubt every move he made hurt.

The blue-eyed male sat up with a groan, running his hands through his hair with an annoyed groan. All this thinking was making Stan's head hurt. His everything hurt, actually. His head, eyes, chest, limbs. And on top of all that, it felt like something was building up in his throat; it wasn't like vomit either; he knew what that felt like. No, Stan wanted to scream and yell. Yell at who? He didn't know. What would he say exactly? Stan didn't know that either. But he wanted to.

Stan opted on not screaming so he wouldn't alert anyone. Stan did, however, grab his phone and began scrolling mindlessly. The contents were dull, nothing catching his interest as much as he wished. That was until a message came in from Tweek.

Tweek: We're coming over to speak to Kyle.
Tweek: Make sure you open the door.

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