Chapter 6

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"Fuck!" Stan cursed staring at the cop car behind him. Without a second thought he stepped on the gas harder, hoping to speed up a bit more. Kyle gripped onto his seat tightly, fingers turning white as he held back screams of terror.


Stan heard the cop speak through his megaphone and he quickly made a sharp turn. "Kyle, listen. I need you to hold on as tight as you can." The older said as an old forest came into view.

"I already am!" Kyle cried as he looked at Stan worriedly. Why were those people chasing them?! Why does he have to wear this stupid leather strap around himself?! Were they gonna die?!

On the other side of the car Stan was having his own inner turmoil. Why did he leave Sparky?! Why did he have to meet Kyle?! Maybe he should've never saved him! Were they going to make it out of this alive?!

With a stone cold face, Stan stared at the forest in front of them, an old wooden fence was the only thing separating the woods from the road. With a deep breath in Stan sped through the old rotted fence, successfully breaking it and driving into the woods.

Police sirens distanced themselves and Stan shut off the car. Quickly grabbing a few things, Kyle followed behind them as they made their way through the woods.

"Stan... Where are we?" Kyle asked, staying close behind him.

"Shut up."


"I said, shut up. You got us into this goddamn mess, the least you can do is shut the fuck up!"

Stan didn't mean to yell but he was scared and angry. If the police caught them, he would surely go to jail. He just needed to get them safe. Kyle's face turned red like he wanted to argue back but he visibly deflated because Stan was right.

The duo walked through the forest quickly, listening for any signs of the police following them. Kyle had so many questions as to where Stan was taking them but none would be answered because he didn't ask. He wanted to respect Stan's wishes so he did, keeping his mouth shut long enough for Stan to think.

"We're almost where we need to be. We're going to my parents house" Stan spoke after what felt like an hour of walking. Kyle nodded, he could see the forest clearing up ahead and a smile crossed his face.

"We'll be safe together?" Stan turned to look at the redhead, the smile on his face making him almost choke on his air. It was a genuine smile, not a small one either. A wide smile with teeth and everything. Stan coughed and nodded, turning away from the redhead. A small smile started to take over his own features. He didn't know how Kyle could smile after seeing that shit, but it gave him hope.

"Yeah, we'll be safe together."

Finally out of the forest, a small house could be seen up ahead. Stan's smile widened as he muttered something under his breath. Both him and Kyle basically ran to the porch. Stan stopped before he could knock on the door.

"Okay, let me give you the rundown. My father is an alcoholic, my mother smokes, they need a divorce. Don't listen to anything my dad says."

Kyle nodded and Stan took it as a sign to knock on the old door of his childhood house.

"Who is it? Goddamit, better not be the UPS man. Dammit, Sharon. I told you to stop ordering packages. I never have pants on when they deliver and now I have to answer the door without pants cause I- Oh, Stanley! Sharon, our boys home! How've you been, champ?" Randy said as he opened the door, the stench of alcohol heavy on his breath. Stan cringed as he stared at his father, grabbing Kyle's hand as the younger male, repulsed by the smell of alcohol, hid behind Stan.

"Hi, dad."

"Stanley, so good to see you! It's been so long since your last visit! How's work? Have you found a job other than that record store?" Sharon smiled as she came down, hugging Stan tightly. "Hi, mom."

"Oh, and who's your friend? If we'd known you were bringing company we would've cleaned up. Hello, dear. My name's Sharon and this is my husband Randy- Randy put some damn pants on!"

Kyle hid further behind Stan and the other sighed. "He doesn't really talk. He also doesn't do well around strangers,or yelling. Look, mom I'd love to talk more but can we please do it inside?" Stan asked and Sharon gave a nod.

"Yes, yea. Come in, dear. I can make some food if you want and we can all chat over lunch. I'd love to know more about your new friend." Sharon hummed, motioning to Kyle.

Poor Stan didn't have the stomach for food, but the way Kyle perked up at the words made him sigh and agree. "Okay, but for now can we just go up to my room and talk?"

"You could, or you could stay down here and talk to your father. He's been asking about you."

"No he hasn't."

"No he hasn't. But I know he misses you, and so do I."

"Maybe, mom. Maybe."

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