Chapter 8

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Stan typed slowly, taking a swig of his alcohol as he did, ignoring how Kyle curiously stared at the liquid.

Broflovski Law firm owner

They waited in silence, the only noise being the slight tap of Stan's hand on the wooden desk.

"What's that?"


"Why are you drinking it?"

"I need to take a load off."

"Take a... load off? What does that mean?"

"I'm just tired."

"And that helps you relax?"


"Can...Can I have a sip...?"

Stan looked at Kyle, then back at the bottle. "Well, I don't know, Kyle. This is really strong, and I'm assuming this is your first time drinking." He said, letting Kyle hold the bottle. He didn't want to taint this poor redhead with drugs and alcohol. Kyle was so impressionable. Stan would hate himself if he ever did something to ruin the child-like curiosity he had.

"I'll be okay. You drink it, so I know it's safe." Kyle hummed, and Stan sighed. He held up a single finger and left the room. Stan then returned two shot glasses in hand and took the bottle back. The redhead watched as the brown liquid was poured into the mini glasses and handed one to him. "Here, drink quickly. Like I do."

Kyle watched Stan drink the shot and nodded. Kyle threw his head back and took the shot. He whined as the liquid burned his throat and erupted in coughs. "No, no, no, no, bad." He coughed back, and Stan patted his back. Tears welled in his eyes, and he slunk his body against Stan's. "I don't like it...." Kyle whined.

"Yeah, it's not for everyone. I'll get you some water."

"I can get it, don't worry."

Stan nodded, turning his attention to the computer, which had just finished loading. He sighed as he sat back down. He stared ahead; a lot of links to look at. Stan ended up clicking the second one he saw since the first one was usually an ad.

South Park Broflovski and Cartman Law firm

The South Park: Broflovski & Cartman Law Firm (Formerly known as the Broflovski Law Firm) Was founded by Gerald Broflovski and co-owned by South Park's former prostitute Liane Cartman. The company was founded in 2008 and underwent its name and ownership change in 2010, 2 years after Gerald left New Jersey with his wife and adopted son and came to South Park.

"Since when did Eric Cartman's mom become a lawyer?!" He mumbled to himself, shocked. Stan read over the small paragraph, and it clicked. Stan scrambled to grab Kyle's card out of his pocket and what he thought was true. Kyle's date of entry year is the same as when they came to South Park. Stan clicked out the tab and went to images. He held back a gasp as he stared at the family photo in front of them.

A man and woman with similar noses to Kyle. The woman's hair was the same fiery red as his, and she had the same freckles too. The man, who Stan assumed was Gerald, had the same green eyes as him. The woman was wide, but you could tell she and Kyle had the same shoulders. The only weird thing was a boy with black hair in the picture. He was obviously Canadian, with black hair, freckles, and brown eyes. He was around 14, maybe 15.

"That's my dad!" Kyle exclaimed as he walked in. Stan turned as Kyle ran towards him and the computer. "That's my dad and my mom! Yeah, that's them!"

Stan watched the smile on Kyle's face dim as he stared at the screen. "That's my little brother... I think his name was Ike. The last time I saw him was when he was a baby. He had only been home for a week before I...." Kyle's voice died down, and he sighed.

"Hey, how about we go up there later this week and check it out? If everything stops being crazy, that is." Stan said, shocked to see Kyle reaching to pour himself another shot once he tore his eyes off the computer. "I thought you didn't like it."

Kyle shook his head and downed his second one, only a mild cough this time.

"Feels... Makes me feel good."

"Hey, at least we found out your family lives in town," Stan said, and Kyle nodded with a small smile. Suddenly Stan's screen flickered, and the power went out in the house. Kyle let out a small gasp and looked in the direction of Stan.

"Dammit, Randy! I told you that stupid generator would make the house blow a fuse!"

"But Sharonnnnnnn! The weed jars need to stay at a specific temperature!"

Stan used his phone to turn on his flashlight. "Let's just... get some rest." Kyle nodded, and Stan helped him to the bed since he was swaying quite a bit. Stan could see a light flush in Kyle's cheeks from his phone's light. Holy shit, they haven't known each other for a week, and Stan's already gotten him drunk.

"Stan, I feel... fuzzy...." Kyle mumbled against his pillow.

"You're tipsy; no more alcohol for you."

"Tipsy...? I...okay, Kyle said, moving closer to Stan. Stan ran a hand through his own hair and sighed. "Kyle..."


"You could've gotten stuck with anyone in the world...Are you glad it was me?"

"Mhm! Nobody is as nice as you..!"

Stan scoffed because that wasn't true. Some so many people were nicer than Stanley. Most people would actually consider him a cynic. But Kyle was naive, so Stan didn't complain. He allowed Kyle to drunkenly intertwine their bodies as he mumbled things Stan couldn't understand. The older didn't mind as long as the redhead seemed happy. The pair let sleep wash over them, still cuddled up and close.

"Stanley? Are you and Kyle okay up he-" Sharon opened the door, a small smile crossing her face as she looked at her son and his "friend."

"Good morning, boys," Randy said as he placed his tattered straw hat on his head. Stan and Kyle had just walked down the steps. Kyle waved tiredly, letting his whole body weight lean against Stan. The other boy simply nodded at his father, continuing to lead Kyle to the kitchen. That morning, Kyle woke up with a piercing yet dull headache. Stan explained that Kyle was mildly hungover and needed to get fluids into his body.

"Stan, my boy. My only son-"

"What do you want, dad?"

"Come help your old man out back, would you? You can bring your friend along too if you want." Randy said, motioning to Kyle, who looked, Stan. Before Stan could answer, Sharon walked into the room and kissed her son's forehead. "Go help your father! I'll stay here with Kyle. Look how tired the poor boy looks." Sharon said.

So it sounds like Stan isn't getting out of helping out his dad. He looked at Kyle, his eyes asking Kyle what he wanted to do, but the redhead just shrugged. Stan sighed. This was his decision, apparently.

Hide away (Stan Marsh x Kyle Broflovski)Where stories live. Discover now