Chapter 29

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Stan felt his whole body shake as Cartman's gun went off. That was it; death's warm embrace wrapped him up like a present and carried him away. But he didn't feel cold; he wasn't even in pain. That shot couldn't have killed him instantly, and the sound of struggling above him was weird.

Opening his eyes slightly, Stan could see Cartman's gun angled away from him as he was being pulled back by a figure he couldn't see. Mephesto's desperate cries could be heard behind, as well as the spilling of water. The blue-eyed male scrambled backward, away from Cartman's gun and to an empty spot on the wall. His body throbbed with pain, and his vision darkened, but Stan refused to pass out. Not until this battle was one.

"What have you done, you imbecile! My creation, my breakthrough! No!" Mephesto cried, and Stan could now see where Cartman's bullet landed. Kenny's cryo vac's glass had broken, and whatever liquid was inside was spilling onto the floor. Mephesto tried to plug the whole with his hand to no avail, and Stan knew what he had to do.

Stan stood on his uninjured foot, hobbling over to Mephesto as he cried desperately. The blue-eyed male looked back, and the unknown person was still dealing with Cartman. He sighed, knowing this would hurt like hell, but he took his one good arm and grabbed Mephesto.

"Let go of me! I can still save Project Infinity!"

"Rot in hell, you piece of shit!" Stan said as he stared at Mephesto before using his entire body weight to slam him into the glass. Mephesto screamed in pain as the glass cut his wrinkled skin, but the contents of Kenny's vac drowned them out. The doctor tried to fight back, ignoring the cuts in his body to pull against Stan's grasp. Stan yelled as his body pulled against his will, and he and Mephesto fell to the soaking ground.

"Let go of me!" Stan heard Eric scream in the back, but he couldn't bring himself to move. Everything hurt. His shoulder, foot, arm, everything. He laid on the floor, his vision fading in and out every now and then. The figure that was fighting Eric pushed him down and began to inch its way closer and closer.

Curls. Stan saw curls.

Bright like fire and warm like it too. Green eyes that shined like emeralds and a cold hand that grabbed his face, leaning closer with a concerned smile.

"Stan...! We need to get out of here; let me help you up...."

A voice of an angel.

Stan smiled softly as his vision went dark; the world was moving in circles when he opened them again. It was dizzying, but when he looked to his side, Kyle was hobbling down the hall with him. "Ky...."

Everything went dark again.

Stan woke again, and he could see him and Kyle nearing an elevator.

"We're almost there, Stan. Don't worry; we'll get you to help. You'll be okay, I promise."

Stan tried to smile as he felt Kyle's arm tighten around his waist. They did it. They took down the lab; Kyle was free. Stan knew he should be relieved, that weight should be lifted off his chest, but he just couldn't. Something wasn't right.



"Kyle, we can't leave Kenny...."

"Stan, it's too dangerous to go back...!"

"Please, Kyle, I'm begging you...."

Kyle looked back, and Stan tried to do the same. The world spun, and he gripped Kyle. He felt the redhead pull him forward, leaning him against the wall. Then Kyle ran back towards the room he supposed he had come from. Stan leaned his head back, his breathing slow as he sighed.

Hide away (Stan Marsh x Kyle Broflovski)Where stories live. Discover now