Chapter 5

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The redhead looked between the men in front of him and tried to sink further into the couch. Whatever he chose would upset somebody, but he had to listen to his heart.

"I..." Kyle opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. The thought of leaving Stan scared him, and the dark-haired boy had shown no signs not to trust him. But Kenny... they go way back. They were admitted on the same day and became quick friends. It's been so long since they've seen each other. Kyle didn't want to just give him up. What Kenny said made sense; he would know how to help Kyle. He'd know how to take care of him, but that's not what he wanted. Why did he want to stay so badly with a man he's known for less than a day?!

Kyle stared ahead with a frown before looking down and moving closer to Stan. For whatever reason, this is the person he felt drawn to.

"I want to stay with Stan." The redhead whispered. Kenny's face held so much pain it hurt to look at. Kenny inhaled before speaking slowly.

"No, no, you're not. Kyle, you don't know Stan. How are you putting so much faith in him?!"

"Kenny- You know me! You know I would never do anything to hurt him; I can't even kill a fly! He's already made his decision. Why are you still going on about it?"

"Because he's being fucking stupid! Kyle, use that brain of yours for one second."

"Kenny... You left me in that hell, despite promising to come back. You don't know how many of our friends died... I don't know why I trust Stanley so much, but... I can just tell that he's not out to hurt me. And you're talking to me now, yelling at me and calling me names... I don't even want to be near you now."

Kenny growled and grabbed Kyle's arm pulling him towards him.

"Fuck this shit! You test subjects are all the fucking same, stubborn and worthless! You'll be lucky if you even make it back to the lab because I'm about to kill you myself!" Kenny's eyes were no longer grey, now purple, and Kyle screamed. Stan tried to pull Kyle back into his arms, but Kenny was too strong.

"Kenny, dude! What the actual fuck?!" Stan screamed as he kept a firm hand on Kyle's wrist. Kenny turned with an angered look and taser out of his pocket, and struck Stan's hand with it. At the pained scream of his owner Sparky ran out and tried to bite at Kenny's ankles, but he got kicked to the side. Kenny's laugh was manic, and his hair was no longer blonde, now a dark brown instead.

"That's not Kenny!" Kyle yelled and grabbed the lamp next to the doorway. He swung, and it hit 'Kenny' against the head. The grip on Kyle loosened enough where he could run, so he did. Kyle helped Stan to his feet, and the older led himout of the house.

When they walked out, both Stan and Kyle held back a scream as they stared at the real Kenny. He lay on Stan's lawn, blood flowing out of his mouth and stomach. It looked as if somebody had tried to gut him with how his organs lay around him. You could only see the whites of Kenny's eyes while his veins bluged out of his arms.

The sound of the fake Kenny groaning broke them out of their tracne, and the duo ran to Stan's car. They sped down the road and into town, Stanley swerving down different streets in a panic. "What the fuck was that thing?! Dude, what the fuck?!" Stan sputtered, continuously fumbling over every sentence.

"That's not Kenny! It's a guard back from the lab! They were given shapeshifting abilities!" Kyle explained, gripping onto the seats tightly. Stan was going about 70 miles per hour, zooming past different cars that all honked at him in fury.

"He killed Kenny!"

"I know, Stan! That bastard!"

"Is this the danger you were talking about?!"

"Yes! I'm sorry!"

Suddenly, red and blue lights flashed behind them; the sound of the siren making Kyle whine.

"Oh goddammit!" Stan cursed, unsure if she should slow down or not.

Hide away (Stan Marsh x Kyle Broflovski)Where stories live. Discover now