Chapter 13

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Kyle inhaled quickly as he sat on the bed. He gripped the old sheet lightly as he listened for Stan. The sound of Sharon yelling startled him more; he had never heard the woman yell like that . More crashes came from the room below, and Kyle began to curl in on himself. Why would San leave him alone up here?!

Suddenly a gunshot filled Kyle's ears, and before he could scream, Sharon and Stanley did. Kyle covered his ears. He could only wonder about what was happening underneath him.

Randy held a joint to his lips, out in his weed fields, while he examined his work with pride. He blew smoke from his lips as a shadow moved in the distance. Randy frowned and proceeded to grab the gun from the porch, who in their right mind was on his damn property.

"Hey..! Whoever you are... Get the fuck out! This is MY property, and this is 'MERICA!" Randy slurred as he aimed his gun at the person in the dark. The shadow seemed to still at Randy's words before inching closer. Randy gripped his rifle tighter as the figure moved. Sparky, who was lying on the porch, growled behind him and got up.

"I got a feral dog too! So you better fucking leave! I'll fuck you up; you hear me?!"

Then it lunged, attempting to grab the older man's gun. Randy thrashed, spitting his joint into his hand and burning the figure dressed in black. The figure hissed, and Randy punched while they were down. He hit the figure with the butt of his rifle and began to drag him towards the house. Sparky growled and bit at the person's leg while they were pulled.

Randy kicked open the door, effectively startling Sharon from her reading. She screamed as her husband threw the stranger down on the ground and held the gun near their throat.

"Sharon! He was trespassing on our property! In 'Merica!"

Stan basically barrelled down the steps, eyes blown wide as he stared at the scene before him.

"What the fuck is going on?!"

"Randy, are they dead?!"

Sparky barked loudly as the family argued. Stan's eyes were fixated on the stranger below his father while he demanded answers for the noise. Sharon yelled at Randy as tears of confusion and hatred for the man filled her eyes. The mentioned man continued to boast about how the person below his foot could never try and hurt them. Suddenly they stirred, frightening the family.

They lifted their head and looked directly at Stanley.

"Give him back. No harm will come to you if you give experiment number 864-042 back; no harm will come to you."

They were here for Kyle.

"No! He's never going back with you! Dad! Shoot 'em!"

The person hissed their head doing a 180, staring directly at Randy. The oldest Marsh shuddered, unable to handle his gun in time before he was launched off, and the person stood tall.

"Where is he?!" They demanded as they approached Stan hastily, claw-like fingers wrapping around his arm. Stan shuddered and tried to pull away with little to no avail. The fingers were cold like metal and felt like knives digging into his skin. Stan could feel blood begin to drip from where the person grabbed it.

"You're not taking him!" Stan grit out as Sparky ran and bit at the stranger's legs again. Stan threw a punch, but his fist was caught, and suddenly he was pinned to the wall. A hand squeezed around his neck tightly, and the youngest Marsh sputtered as his airway was cut off. Tears filled his eyes as his vision began to darken.

"Stanley Randall Marsh. Don't play with forces you don't understand."

The sound of a gunshot went off, and air rushed through his lungs. Stan coughed and heaved as he fell to the ground, looking over to see what had happened. Sharon stood in the middle of the living room, Randy's gun in hand. An unreadable look covered her face as she stared ahead. A scream left the person, and Stan could see a wound on the person's thigh but no blood...

The creature let out a robotic scream and tried to rush Sharon, but one more fire of a gun and they were on the ground. The sound of gears coming to a stop and sparks coming from the fresh bullet hole in the stranger's head filled the room. A barbaric squeal passed Stanley's mother's lips as she went over to the robot and held the butt of the rifle to their face.

"Never touch my baby again!" She slammed the butt of the gun multiple times angrily as she spoke. Stan winced each time as he watched wires, springs, circuits, and more fly from the robot's head. Stan caught his breath, bringing a hand to his neck as he finally breathed in without trouble.

Stan leaned against the wall as he watched his mother set the gun down and began to drag the body outside.

"It's okay, baby, it's okay. Mommy will take care of this. Just go back to your room...."

"Yeah! You get 'em, Sharon! Ima get another beer...." Randy groaned as he stood up slowly from where he was thrown. Stan watched, unsure of what to do. Slowly he managed to stand and climb up the steps back to Kyle, who was hidden in a corner.

Stan sighed as he made his way to the other. Kyle frowned as he stared at the blood that dropped from Stan's arms. He quickly got the first aid kid and began to patch him up. Stan winced as Kyle wiped his wounds with a cotton ball covered in peroxide. The redhead would apologize each time, but Stan's wounds were soon clean and protected. The blue-eyed man looked at his friend tiredly, extending his arms slowly.

Kyle immediately leaned on him, and Stan buried his face into Kyle's hair. They both sat there and breathed. Kyle was too afraid to ask what happened, and Stan was too scared to tell. The older shook against Kyle, and silent tears fell from his eyes. He almost died. Stan almost lost everything to some stupid machine. He, his family, and Kyle weren't safe and probably would never be. The blue-eyed wrapped his arms around Kyle and sniffed. Kyle listened to Stan's heartbeat and held his hand gently.

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