Chapter 3

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Kyle jumped out of bed without a second thought and ran to the door. He bit his lip, now remembering Sparky outside. If the redhead was fast enough, he could get past the dog and get to Stan. After a few deep breaths, he swung the door open, letting his feet carry him as fast as they could. Sparky looked at Kyle but didn't bark. He just tilted his head in confusion at the freckled man.

Kyle swung Stan's door open, making the dark-haired man jump from his sleep. Kyle shut the door and moved in front of Stan, trying to communicate with his hands. Words were too hard to form right now. Stan rubbed the sleep from his eyes as he watched Kyle move wildly as an explanation as to why he burst into the other room. Another crash of thunder came, and Kyle jumped into Stan's bed, holding the other male tightly.

"Oh, you're scared of thunder," Stan muttered, patting Kyle's hair gently. The yelling from Stan's neighbors started again, and Kyle felt tears begin to reform. With a sigh, Stan helped Kyle under the covers, too tired to question anything anymore. "The yelling, too, huh?" Kyle only nodded at Stan's words.

"That's just our- my neighbors. They'll stop soon, I promise."

"Gonna get me...."

"Who? The people that were chasing you? No. I won't let them." Stan said sternly, and Kyle looked at him, confused.

"Why?" Why was Stan so sweet to him? Why is he so compassionate about Kyle staying in the outside world?

I don't know why. Maybe it's because you were in danger wherever you were. It's like 2am."

Kyle listened to Stan's words and considered everything he was saying as he closed his eyes. He was exhausted anyways; he was grateful Stan let him stay here. The older male's hand ran through his hair in the most comforting way, and Kyle felt himself slip into sleep at the feeling.

6 hours later, Kyle woke up to a horrible noise, similar to an alarm. He whined and covered his ears, rolling away from Stan, who slept beside him. Apologies spilled from a sleepy Stan as he reached for his phone, then the noise stopped. Kyle sat up and looked at Stan, head tilted in confusion. "I gotta call my boss and tell her I'm not coming in today. You can stay here and sleep longer." Stan said, but Kyle didn't lie back down.

Instead, he followed Stan out of the bedroom, listening to him make the call. It was short, with more apologies tumbling sloppily out of Stan's mouth and the excuse of a family emergency. With a sigh, he looked back at Kyle and yawned. "How about breakfast?"

Now in the kitchen, Kyle sat on the counter next to the sink, watching Stan and Sparky, mostly Sparky, move around the small space cautiously. He watched Stan boil water, put it into a cup, and put a small bag-like object inside. The redhead also watched as the older cracked eggs and mixed up a batter. Meat sizzled on the stove as he hummed softly.

"So, Kyle," Stan said suddenly, making Kyle jump to attention. The dark-haired turned to him with a stern face that made Kyle shake, but the face quickly dropped when he realized Kyle's nervousness.

"I want a relaxing day for you, but I have questions. Where did you come from? Do you remember anything before you arrived wherever you were? Are you dangerous?"

Kyle blinked as he thought hard. Anything before the lab was fuzzy; the only thing he could remember was... Oh. "I..." Stan smiled at him, and Kyle took a breath.

"I came here from a lab. I'm not dangerous, and... Well, the last thing I remember is my mom brought another baby home, and we went on this really long car ride. She dropped me off at the lab and... never returned." Kyle's voice got quiet at the end as he stared at nothing. The memories he had of his family were close to none. Stan frowned as he watched Kyle fiddle with his hands; he set a cup in front of Kyle and sighed.

"I'm so sorry," Stan said, and Kyle shook his head. "We can find out more about your family tomorrow if you want," Stan mumbled as he set the plate with food, but Kyle didn't respond. They ate at the kitchen table, Kyle eating ravenously, his food covered in syrup, and Stan just chuckled.

Stan also taught Kyle to use the TV so he wouldn't be bored while Stan was in the shower. When he came out, he saw Kyle enraptured by an episode of Phineas and Ferb. He decided to not disturb him and sat on the couch. That's when the doorbell rang.

Stan got up to answer while Kyle looked around, panicked; someone was here. What if it was the guards coming to take him back?!

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