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It had been a year and a half since they took down the lab. Stan and Kyle stayed in the hospital for two weeks after they woke up and were trying to incorporate Kyle into society. It was difficult and tiresome when adding all the legal trouble they went through once they were discharged. Still, after a couple of months, the redhead could do things for himself and Stan, such as grocery shopping and other tasks around the house.

Speaking of the house, Stan and Kyle left Tegridy Farms once Stan got a stable job. They took everything from Stan's old house, which had been abandoned when they fled, and found a small home in Denver, not too far but away from the crazy town that was South Park. Sharon was sad to see them go, throwing her arms around them and promising to give them anything they needed; all they had to do was call. Randy said to spread the word of Tegridy and Shelly, who has surprisingly taken a liking to Kyle, pat their backs and said she'd call when she felt like it.

Then, one night during dinner, it dawned on Kyle that everybody who had escaped was going through the same thing as him. Not everyone had a place to go, and not everyone would have the mental health they needed. These thoughts stayed in Kyle's head until he confessed them to Stanley.

The redhead began to share his ideas with others, and soon, a group was formed. Kyle was quick to learn basic information for adults, given his abilities, and soon even more. That's actually where they were going now. A building where Kyle had learned and was now teaching people 18-30. He worked with Craig, Kenny, local therapists, and other fast learners like himself. It was tiring at times, but Kyle never gave up. Stan was helpful, even if he didn't teach, making sure the redhead didn't overwork himself and knew he was being supported no matter what.

When news of the lab hit the television, people who once lived in South Park came forth, sharing their experiences and helping others. It became nationwide, and therapists were now "rolling in dough," as Kenny put it.

Life was peaceful, and Stan and Kyle were both happy.

"How do I look?"

Stan looked up from his phone, a smile crossing his face as he looked over Kyle's frame. Green turtleneck and long brown pants. The redhead pulled at the knitted fabric, looking near their bedroom door. Stan stood and walked over to his lover, wrapping his arms around the other's waist and kissing his cheek.

"You look beautiful, as always. I just don't understand why you're dressing up so much- I wouldn't even visit if I were you." He said with a huff, giving Kyle a small squeeze.

Kyle sighed and turned around, looking at himself in the mirror while Stan's head dropped down to his shoulder. He fixed a few curls and straightened out his sweater before placing his hands on Stanley's. "I know I don't need answers, but I want them. I deserve to know why everything happened. I'm not going to feel pity when I see her."

"Alright, well, let's get going." Stan smiled as he made his way to the door. Kyle followed, intertwining their fingers as they walked.

"Cali, Tangy, we'll be back! You both be good!" Kyle called out.

A bark came from the other side of the house, and a border collie happily ran over to Kyle and Stan. The two pet the dog happily, calling her a good girl and speaking in baby voices. Soon an orange cat appeared, curling between Stan's legs and purring.

A few months into living in their new house Stan realized that every morning their trash cans were dumped over, so he had his Uncle Jimbo set up a cruelty-free trap in hopes of catching a possum or raccoon. None of them were expecting to find a partially blind orange cat. The couple fell in love with the cat, and after confirming he had no owner, they adopted the feline and named it Tangy.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2023 ⏰

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