Chapter 12

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Stan sat the photo next to him as he shook his head. How could he think of doing something like that to Kyle? That wasn't fair to him. Stan glanced at the sleeping figure next to him and ran a hand through his red curls. He wanted Kyle to have a good life, not where his past haunted them. Stan knew he couldn't remove the redhead's pain, but he could lessen it. Maybe that could start off with some new clothes...?

Stan heard Kyle's stomach rumble as he slept.

Okay, he'd start off with food and then Kyle's own pairs of clothes.

"Stan, bud! C'mere and talk to your mother!"

Stan sighed as he slowly removed himself from Kyle's side. The older made sure his friend was tucked in comfortably before descending the steps. His mother was in the kitchen, frowning deeply at her husband, but it quickly turned into a smile when she saw her son.

"Stanley, honey. I'm sorry for your father's ignorance . You didn't have to come down at all."

"My ignorance?! Sharon, tell Stan what you said!"

"No! I was having a conversation with you, Randy!"

"She thinks that you and Kyle are together! Like- dating! Stan, tell her that's absolutely crude! You're a man! Please explain that to her!"

"I said it was a possibility considering how close you both are!"

Stan stood in the kitchen, face flushed red as he stared ahead. This was not happening. His parents argued about whether he was with a guy he had met a little over a week ago. Stan sputtered as he shook his head.

"Kyle and I aren't dating!" he exclaimed, and his father straightened up triumphantly. Stan watched his parents argue, still shocked. Did he and Kyle really act like a couple? He didn't think so. Stan was just providing comfort to Kyle, the reassurance he needed. Kyle didn't even know what dating or non-platonic love was. He might not even know what platonic love was. Stan was determined to show him. Platonically, of course.

Stan sucked in a breath when he felt a pair of arms wrap around him. He turned to see the mentioned redhead holding him tiredly. Was he gone for a while? So caught up in his own head that he forgot to return to Kyle. The blue-eyed man smiled at the smaller and turned so he could hug him back.

"Is dinner done? I'm hungry...." Kyle whispered. Stan looked at the kitchen, saw that the table was set, and confirmed with a nod. The redhead smiled as Stan led him to the table and began to help fix his plate. Stan's parent's stopped their arguing to watch the duo. Randy stuttered with a frown as Stan allowed Kyle to keep their arms linked, and they stood closely.

"Well, you see son? This gives your mother the impression that you both are together ." Stan ignored the man, focusing on Kyle and piling food onto his plate. For being so skinny, the redhead ate a lot. Sharon sighed and told her husband to drop it just like they should drop their frayed marriage. Randy groaned and grabbed a beer from the fridge before taking a seat at the head of the table.

Dinner went by smoothly, with no more arguments breaking out, but Stan found himself staring at Kyle, more so at his hoodie-covered arms. The older realized that he had never seen the redhead's arms before. Only when he had patched him up. Stan remembers how Kyle refused to let Stan touch the bandages on his arms when they first met, and Kyle insisted on wearing baggy clothes. What was he hiding under there? Stan knew it wasn't his place to ask. If Kyle wanted him to know, he would ask.

Stan sighed and looked at Kyle, who was staring at the polaroids Stan had taken when he was a teen. He would ask who each person was and smile when Stan told him.

"Who's this?"

"That's Token- Tolkien Black. He was rich, and threw awesome parties."

"Parties? Like in the movie?"

"Yep! Something like that."

Kyle hummed and grabbed another photo but froze. Kyle dropped the box of photos that sat in his lap as he gripped the other tightly.

"Kyle? What is it?" Stan took the photo and frowned. It was just Craig and Tweek. The picture was taken during a class getaway. The couple sat on the dried grass that surrounded Starks Pond. Stan never talked to the couple that much. Tweek's screams scared him, and Craig annoyed him.

"I...I know him...When I arrived, he was there for maybe a week, and then suddenly, he disappeared." Kyle said as he pointed at Craig, and Stan frowned. How would Kyle know Craig? Stan tried to think.

The Tucker Family lived in South Park for as long as Stan could remember. One day a boy transferred into Stan's class when he was 7. His name was Craig Tucker, and he was the adopted Peruvian son of the Tucker Family. The boy was distant, never playing with any other children until Clyde befriended him. He remembers the boy quickly adopting the family's habits of flipping everyone off. He also remembers bringing him to Peru, but that didn't matter.

Cartman often made fun of Craig because he was autistic but whined because Craig was allowed to wear headphones in class. He did the same thing when Scott Malkison ate in class. Cartman and Stan made him and Tweek fight. He recalls not believing that Craig's eyes flashed blue when he was told Tweek insulted his guinea pig. Maybe... it was true.

Stan had never questioned where Craig came from because he was told he was from Peru. Was it all a lie...?

"What was his name.. Cramere...Craymon..Craven...Crai...Craig! His name was Craig! I was told by Kenny that he had so many enhancements that he was barely even human anymore! A meltdown and the power that he had would surge through the building. He was too powerful... They were going to kill him, and then one day, he was gone! But he's here!"

Stan's mouth was agape. No way... But Craig's family loved him; they wouldn't just send him off like Kyle's did. Stan looked at the pictures and began to pick them up. His head was going a million miles an hour, and he sighed.

"I'll try to get in contact with them tomorrow. It's late. How about we just watch a movie or two?"

Kyle shook his head no, which surprised Stanley. Usually, the redhead was always willing to watch a movie, but now he was climbing into the bed and simply staring at Stan.



"What...what happened to you when we were in Mrs. Cartman's office? Today was a bad day, but I just want to know. I understand if you don't want to talk about it, though."

Kyle broke the gaze he and Stan held as he wrapped his arms around himself. A sigh left the redhead's mouth as he patted the spot next to him. Stan immediately moved to sit in front of him as he listened to the redhead intently.

Stan listened as Kyle told him about the torture he experienced from one man alone. Kyle had just turned 19 when Eric started working. Kyle talked about how he caused him nightmares and hallucinations and how he was scared to even open his eyes each day. The redhead was used to pain, but what he was doing to him made him crave the embrace of death.

Stan felt tears spill from his eyes as he listened. Kyle had to stop multiple times in his story because he got so choked up. The blue-eyed man reached for his friend; though he knew the other would never hurt him, Kyle still pulled back. Stan's frown deepened, but he respected the boy's wishes and stayed back. The two sat silently, contemplating everything that had just been revealed.

"I..." Stan stared, and the redhead looked up silently.

"I know I can't take away the pain and fear you feel inside, but Kyle... I want you to live the rest of your life without worry. I promise I will do everything I can to keep you safe."

"You've said this before."

"I know, and I'll keep saying it until you're truly safe."

Kyle smiled as he wiped his own tears.

"I already feel safe with you."

Suddenly, a crash was heard from downstairs, along with barking from Sparky. Stan stood quickly and went downstairs while Kyle sat on the bed.

Hide away (Stan Marsh x Kyle Broflovski)Where stories live. Discover now