Chapter 31

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Bright lights and voices muffled beyond recognition. People grabbed him, pulling him up from the weight that crushed his chest, yet he couldn't feel it. So much was going on around him, but it felt like nothing.

"Stan! My baby, please be okay! Oh, my little boy, my poor baby...!"

'Mom? Mom! I'm okay!' Stan wanted to yell, but he couldn't. There was nothing he could do but listen to her scream and cry.


That noise was annoying.


Why wouldn't it stop?


Kyle opened his eyes only to be met with a white ceiling. Anxiety rushed through the redhead's body, afraid that maybe he was still with Mephesto, then he remembered. He remembered being shot, Kenny waking up, and a crushing weight on his body. His body... Kyle was sore everywhere. He tried to lift his head, but pain surged, causing him to drop back down.

Shuffling happened around him, but Kyle couldn't keep his eyes open long enough to tell who. Their voices were muffled, but the touch on his skin felt like needles. Too many thoughts were running through his head, but one name was prevalent. Stan.

Where was he? Was he safe? Was he alive?!

This made Kyle move because, despite this pain, he needed to find Stan. He needed to know if Stan was alive! The redhead attempted to sit up, but he nearly screamed at the agony that filled him. Tears filled his eyes, and he shuffled more until someone's hands gently pushed him back down. Kyle's eyes snapped open, only to be met with Kenny smiling down at him.

The redhead opened his mouth to speak, but his throat was dry, and he began to heave out. Kenny placed a hand on Kyle's shoulder, pushing a straw between his lips. Kyle sipped quickly; the feeling of ice-cold water flowing down his throat brought relief to the pain down his throat.

"Stan..." Kyle croaked out, and Kenny shushed him as he set the cup back down. The blonde gave a smile, and Kyle felt nothing but calm. A doctor stood off to the side, looking over their clipboard. They hummed, carefully nearing Kyle and sitting on the chair beside his bed.

"Kyle, both you and Stanley are safe. You had two broken ribs, a fractured hipbone, and a bullet wound near your abdomen, nearly missing a few vital organs. It's a miracle you and your friend survived." They explained, pushing their glasses up.

"Where is Stan?" The redhead asked, blinking his eyes slowly.

"He is in his own room; he hasn't woken up from unconsciousness, but everything seems to be healing well. Stanley should wake up soon." The tenseness in Kyle's shoulders dissipated, and he felt as if he could breathe. The redhead looked up at Kenny, a grin on his face as the blonde held one of his hands.

"Kyle, you are a hero."

"I don't really remember much, but I'm sure Stan did all the work. When can I see him?"

"We're going to run a few tests, but you should be able to get up and walk in just a matter of days." The doctor explained, giving Kyle a warm smile that gave Kyle piece of mind.

The tests were fairly simple, nothing that Kyle couldn't handle. As he went through the motions, Kyle learned that he and Stan had been unconscious for two weeks, it was shocking, but he was more worried about his family.

"What happened to Tricia, Ike, and Karen?" The redhead had asked once the doctor was gone.


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