Chapter 1.) Rosemar Street

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"Grandma can i have $5 so i can go to the Chinese store??" as i looked out the window at my grandmother's house. The ice cream was coming down the street and i seen my little brother and my grandma's neighbor across the street was outside playing, running up to my grandma porch i just know he was gonna beg her for $2 for a ice cream cone for him and his friend.

I loved my grandma. i'm speaking on her in the past tense because she passed away back in 2013. God rest her sweet beautiful soul. As i went upstairs to use the bathroom..around this time i'm about 12, maybe 13 years old? i looked over to my left and seen my uncle's door was open. he usually haves it shut. I payed it no mind actually i was just so excited to be walking to the store by myself or with my friend since i was a little bit older. I had to use the restroom so bad, like literally it felt like my Blatter was about to burst!

I was so happy when i seen that no one was in there. i closed the door, the doorknob was broken so i couldn't lock the door i sat down on the toilet, pulled my lime green keyboard sprint phone and started texting my friend to meet me at the end of my grandma's block in 20 minutes. I got up, wiped myself, and when i turned around the lights were shut off. i turned around so fast and pulled my panties up. when i reach for my pants i felt him grab my wrist and told me to be quiet. he turned the light back on, and stood in front of the door.

He turned me around and i heard him upzipper his jeans. I started tearing up, telling him not right now, not today..then I felt him glide his penis across my vagina. he kept doing it over over repeatedly until he ejaculated on my sandals. He tongue kissed me and told me to shut my fucking mouth and i did as i was told. I cleaned myself up and went outside to meet my friend. Now even at this young age i learned how to turn my feelings on and off, i show my emotion on my face sometimes too but i have that under control as well.

I saw my friend on the corner waiting for my with my little childhood boo Tyheed. Now tyheed wasn't the cutest but he sure did give a bitch butterflies i'm not gonna lie. Until later on down the line his ugly ass had the nerve to cheat on me with the neighbor whore Kyla. But that's a different story for another day. All 3 of us walk to the Chinese store, it was a name summer day everyone and they grandma was outside that day, niggas was standing on the corner as usual, kids running around playing, block parties going on. I loved it.

When my food was ready, we walked back to my friend house which was about 3 doors down from my grandma's house. Tyheed left and it was just me and her. I had to tell her i told her everything!

"Kayla you need to tell someone, why do you keep letting him touch you like that?" i sat there watching her mouth move, but i was spaced out i couldn't put what she was saying together in my i'm tuning her out because i kinda enjoy my uncle touching me? i don't know.. what does a 13 year old know what she likes and wants right?

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