Chapter 19.) It goes down in the DM

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"Wya? can you come now?"...

Damn he sent that 4 hours ago.. let me see if he's still at his hotel.

"Yes, i just woke up i need like 30mins to get ready though." I looked like shit. Still wearing the same shit from the night before.

He wrote back... "Okay i'm staying at the **hotel name**"..

"Okay, that's 10 minutes from my hotel". I replied. I got my ass up and ran a hot shower, and picked out a outfit for the day, me and everyone was suppose to be going to a popular brunch spot.

While i'm in the middle of doing my makeup, he wrote me back on instagram.

"I gotta leave out baby, i got a day party to host today, i know 30 minutes for a female really means 2 hours lol".

DAMMIT!!!!!! FUCK!!!!

Did i miss a once and a lifetime opportunity???

I text chink and christina and let them know what just happened.

After i finished getting dressed, i went down to my cousin room and waited until everyone got dressed so we can eat. I'm not gonna lie, i had a little attitude.

What if he doesn't even wanna see me nomore? What if he end up changing his mind?

Everyone's ready, and we out!
The restaurant was about 25 minutes away from us, and i heard they food was delicious, i was starving too i haven't ate shit because i wanted my stomach to be on flat flat out there, you never know who you was gonna bump into.

Real shit.

We finally pull up, and it is PACKED!
Cars was everywhere, it wasn't a big parking lot space, and they had big ass armed security outside.

"Damn how we gonna get in here? I didn't know you needed reservations". Said my cousin.

The security guard walks up to our car.

"Ladies, y'all got reservations? If not gotta find somewhere else to go we're full, and we have a celebrity renting out the back".


As we was about to pull out and think of somewhere else to go, one of my cousin friends spotted someone she knew...

"Ouuu there goes Mr.Biggs i know him, he will get us in for sure!"

My cousin rolled down the window, and shouted out the window, "Biggs, come here boo"..

Mr. Biggs was from new york but he owned a restaurant out there, and was cool with a lot of famous people. Not the cutest thing walking, but we'll use 'em for what it's needed for i guess.

"What's up ladies??" He said nervously, looking inside the car. He finally recognized her.

"Kesha that's you?! Damn girl what's up?!"

"Hey biggs, how you been boo?"

"Damn i ain't see you in like 5 years! You good, how's your mom and them??"

"Everyone is good baby, but listen...i need a favor"

"What's up? you know you can ask me for anything"

Oh is that right?

"They told me and my girls we ended reservations to get in. You think you can pull some strings? It's 5 of us in total". She said making a sad puppy dog face. Shit, even i felt kinda bad and i'm the one in the car!

"Oh yeah! I got y'all, i be right back."

He walks away from the car, and we all started clapping for Kesha.

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