Chapter 9.) Birthday Girl

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"So you want this for your birthday right? what color?."

"Pink" i replied back, smiling while i'm twirling my hair.

My birthday is at midnight and i'll be 15. I'm so happy. Quintin just texted me and told me he had a gift for AND a surprise gift me, i'm so excited to see it..and him.

I went to the mall to look for a outfit. i wanted something plain but still cute. While i was looking a outfit, my mom texted me and told me that I've been expelled from school which isn't surprising. Thankfully the bitch didn't press charges.

I found something from Forever 21 that i stole, and then headed home.

After i got dressed and tried to attempt to do my makeup, my dad came in my room to have a "talk".

"Kay we're gonna have to have a talk about what school we're gonna put you in next" said my dad while walking pass my room.
"Okay dad, and thank you for my birthday card".

"You're welcome sweetie. happy birthday and be safe tonight".

I lied to my parents and told them deb mom was taking us out to eat. But where i really was going was with Quintin. he got a hotel, and we were gonna go get dinner too, our reservations were at 9.

I looked sooo good. But definitely didn't look 15. Maybe 21 but damn sure not no 15. And when people see me and quintin together, they probably gonna think the same. Quintin just turned 18 last month, but i looked older then him.

"Okay mom, how i look??" i said while twirling around, showing my mom my 5 finger discount dress that i stole earlier that day. I'm a trip.

"You look so pretty sweetie. Have fun tonight and be safe, your curfew is at 12."

CURFEW????!!!!?! when the fuck did i start getting a curfew???

"A curfew?" I said shocked. "Yes, your 15 now, not 25. you're not grown just yet, not until you leave from under my roof".

"Okay mom, see you later". "Bye, have fun!".

"Yeah yeah..." i said under my breath quietly, as i left to lock the front door.

Quintin just texted me. "Pulling up"... my heart started beating so fast, why the hell am i'm nervous now like i ain't never been around this man before? Maybe cause this time it's different. I don't know. 5 minutes later he pulled up and parked on the corner like he usually do. I walk to the car in my red bottom heels that i burrowed from my mom.

"DAMN baby wowwwww, you look goooood girl".

"Thank you baby. where we going to eat?".

"It's a surprise. Just relax."

We drove off, at this time Birthday sex by Jeremiah was on and that was my theme song for the night. I was just sitting in the passenger seat, looking out the window, feeling the vibe and singing the lyrics.

Quintin grabbed my hand and kissed it. He was so sweet to me. So caring and loving, very mature for his age actually. We finally get to the restaurant. We ate, laughed, cried, shit we even started dancing at one point. At the end of the night everything was so perfect. We got back to his apartment and i saw all of my gifts on the dining room table.

"Oh my god you got me the hair curlers i wanted babe?! these are sold out everywhere. How you find these?!"

"Chillllll" he said smiling all big and laughing. I gave him the biggest hug ever.

"Thank you baby. i love you." that was my 1st time telling a guy that. He was the 1st guy i ever loved.

"Damn babe it's 11:00 i got a 12'oclock curfew".

"On your birthday? damn."

"Yeah, it's a school night though. plus i start my new school tomorrow".

I got accepted to this Rican school called Edison. It was located not to far from North Philadelphia.

"Well let's do alil something something before i drop you off."

"Now you speaking my laungage!"

We both got up from off the couch, went in his bedroom and made sweet, passionate love.

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