Introducing Sally

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This story is going to blow your mind because it's true! It is something that many women and some men experience, whether they're in a relationship or entanglement. Whether they're married or single. It is probably something you can relate to. This story is inspired by factual events. It is not to harm the public or discriminate against the opposite sex. It is to gain knowledge, experience, and understanding of what to do and how you can help your partner in a relationship. Although some of you are going to deny the fact, it remains true! How much do you know about your partner? What do they do when you're not around? Do they always tell the truth in bed? There is always room for knowledge. So, get your popcorn, sit, relax, and enjoy!


*Some pointers*

>Main character- Sally

> Short chapters- Less than 500 words per chapter

> Language

>Adult content

>18+ years and older





Hello! My name is Sally and I am here to tell you my story! It is not going to make you hyperventilate or look away! I can guarantee that fact. Now, the reason I am sharing my story, it's because enough is enough and I want every woman to know that despite what they're going through in their relationship, they're not alone. I can relate, and 3 out of every 5 women can relate too.

Now to give you a proper introduction. You already know my name and I am 24 years old. I am short, 5"2, caramel brown in complexion, and I have short kinky curls. I have curves in all the right places and a big booty that gets everyone's attention. I live in the Caribbean and I am a dancer, or I used to be. I will get into details about that! My mother is alive! My father is dead. He was killed by cops for being black before I was born. Only child! Blah! Blah! Blah! I live by myself! Obviously! And I am in a 2 and a half years relationship. That should be enough for you to get an image of my persona.

Now I want you to picture this! Just graduated, and stayed a virgin because I wanted to focus on my studies. Made multiple attempts to stay away from boys, but you know there is always that one that is always too good to look at. Ha! I was a top student and I was called a nerd for being too brilliant. Bullied by the school's princess, made about 2 friends. One hated me for being too perfect and the other loved me for it. Got out of the hell hole called College and got a respectful job that Mommy dearest wanted. Yay!

I know, everything sounds perfect! Too perfect!

It was time for me to move out of Mommy dearest's house and live independently. Excitement was not even the best way to express how I felt. I got my apartment and it was time to live life.

Follow me to the Next chapter!❤💕

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