Toys Are Better Than Friends

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Three days before:

Ann sat me down and told me about Travis and how she found out a few months ago. She said that she started finding curly hair on his clothes and other things that caused her to be suspicious.

She searched through his phone and found my number. Taking it upon herself to track me down and stalk me. Imagine my face when she told me she planned my murder but then called it off when she found out I had no idea he had a wife.

She told me that Anna knew that Travis was married. "I was introduced to her before he met you. I don't know what Travis told her, but we're still married and we were living happily before I became suspicious of him."

My world fell to the depths of despair when she told me Anna and Daniel were having an affair a few months ago and that Anna called my mom and asked her to pull a few strings for me to get my job a year back.

I was so confident. Everything I worked for wasn't my doing. It was my mother again. Pulling the strings behind the scenes. Just like she tried to do in college. Just like she tried to do with my dad and got him killed.

I realized that escaping her was impossible.

At first, I was puzzled, confused, and in disbelief. She handed me a file that had a flash drive and a few receipts, showing me proof that everything she was saying was the truth.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. We started making plans to handle Travis. I apologized for ruining her life and that of her family. I begged her to forgive me for what I did to her and her unborn child. 

Current day:

Turning my head to the entrance of the front door was all I wanted to do but couldn't. I got up; my eyes were puffy.

Still half drunk, I stood in front of the door and remembered that I had called my workplace and quit my job. I called mom Anna and but I couldn't remember what I told them.

I sobered up because I knew that it could've been anyone at my door. I wasn't ready for another dilemma. My heart couldn't take any of it. "Who is it?" I sighed and braced my right hand against the door.

"Sal! It's me! Anna. I know you don't want to see or talk to me right now but I need to talk to you. Please, open the door!"

"Bitch! Go away! Leave me the fuck alone! I never want to see you again!"

"Sally Gibbs! You better open this door before I call the guards to break it down."

The sound of my mom's voice sent waves of shock through my body. That voice made me stand at attention like a soldier listening to her commander.

Like a robot, I opened the door without hesitation and said, "Yes, ma'am!"

One minute I am looking at my mom and Anna at the door speaking to me and the next minute I can feel my body leaning towards the floor. Maybe the floor was leaning towards me.

I blacked out.

~~Just giving you guys a heads up! There are a few more chapters to go before this story ends. Thank you for tagging along on the journey with me. I appreciate it.~~

❤️❤️This is the end of this chapter! ❤️❤️

❤️❤️Thank you for reading.✨✨❤️

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⭐⭐Onto the next chapter!!!⭐⭐

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