Dead Elephant in the room.

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That’s what I wanted to ask, but I knew if I asked, I’d hurt his pride.

If you want to break a man down to his lowest, tell him that his performance during sex was useless or it had no effect on your kitty. That would crush his entire existence.

Words like, “It was alright but…” or “Not bad…” or not even answering after he asked. “How was it?"
Even if it was the worst, don’t tell him right after he finishes.

Have a seat somewhere nice and use words like, “We should try something new” or “Give me a chance to show you what I can do for you.”

I’ve learned that empathy is super important. There is nothing wrong with being nice to the person you share your essence with.  There is absolutely nothing wrong with expecting improvements.

I turned, looked at him, and plastered a fulfilling smile on my face. I tried my very best to make it seem less awkward, but there was a now dead elephant in the room.


He looked at me with an “Are you satisfied” expression. Was I supposed to respond to that?

He came in less than 2 minutes, and all the foreplay and built-up pleasure went to waste.

It was like it was flushed down the sink, along with my readied expectations and fun.

He laughed, “That was amazing!” And threw his head back with both his arms rested on the outskirts of my tub.

I had fire beaming from my ears. That was how pissed I was. I got up from the tub, put my bathrobe on, and left the bathroom.

I closed the door gently and picked up my phone. You know who exactly I called.

“Anna!” I whispered.

“I’m in the middle of getting my ass whipped with leather from the man that’s paying my bills. Make it quick! His turn is coming up next.” Anna teased.

I sniffed, “I… He… I don’t know what to do. His mandingo’s not doing what it’s supposed to do.” I started fretting.

“Alright, baby! Calm down! Tell me what happened.”

I told her everything, and she laughed at me for what seemed like hours. Anna added Riley to the call even after I begged her not to.

“Meet us at our favorite place tomorrow morning. Don’t be late!” Anna ordered.

I nodded and ended the call.

I went to check on Travis in my bathroom, and he’s fast asleep, snoring, to be exact.

My invisible angel told me he must be tired, but my demon brushed that off, I kissed my teeth, rolled my eyes, and slammed the door.

I went to bed feeling unfulfilled, unsatisfied, and extremely disappointed. My plucked flower was throbbing, and I had no idea what to do to calm her down. My finger was not enough.

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