Phases of Deception

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Without a minute to spare, she ran towards me and grabbed both of my hands with a worried and depressed expression. I was so scared. I tried pulling my hands away from her, but she gripped me tighter and did not let go.

She looked into my eyes. Who did she remind me of? Then it came to me! The same face my mother wore when my dad died. I immediately knew something was wrong. Tears began welding in my eyes as she crouched down and began crying.

I picked her up and was immediately astounded by the next thing I saw. She was pregnant! Her baby bump was visible when she got up and held her tummy.

I sat her on the front step of the apartment building.

"I believe everyone around you is deceiving you!"

I arched my brow and looked at her. "What the hell are you talking about?" What she said next rocked my entire world and not in a good way.

Going to work that morning felt like walking an impossible road. I scanned my entire environment. The people I worked with. The people I laugh with daily and those I do favors for.

The feeling of not believing a word she said tried taking over, but she showed me proof, and I couldn't help but think that I'd lose my accomplishments, my friends, Travis, and everyone else.

Turning my phone off to think was what I did to not feel flustered. I needed answers to my questions. My mind was unstable, and I wanted nothing more than to take it away from everything. I needed to be in another world. Another dimension.

I got home, laid on my bed, and continued reading "Unf*ck Yourself" by Gary John Bishop. That always gave me great advice and ideas, but I needed another distraction. One that wouldn't talk or tell me anything I didn't need to hear.

I attempted to call Daniel but the guilt in me wouldn't budge. I felt like I ruined something important. Elizabeth might have done the worst to me in high school, but that was in the past. What reason did I have to ruin her marriage?

In my heart, I knew that when he was next to me, there was something about him I couldn't resist. His touch, his body, and the way he spoke. Flashbacks of what happened that morning came to me.

I sighed and threw my body on my bed. I stretched my arms out wide and turned my head. Then I remembered I'd got a few toys to experiment on. I smiled like "The Grinch" and reached under my bed with the memories of Daniel still fresh.

I lined them across the bed and wondered what to do with them. Excitement began fusing in my tummy. So, I ran to the bathroom, took a bath, washed my hair, and came out with my towel. One hand holding the towel in place and the other fingering the wetness out of my hair.

I put on some good old jazz and started slow dancing. As I swayed my hips from left to right with a glass of wine in my hand, I felt everything on my shoulders float away. "That's the spot, Sal!" I bit my lips, roofed my chin, and slowly closed my eyes.

One, two, three... I counted my steps towards my pleasure tour on my bed. This feeling right here is the highest peak of self-love and self-respect; no worries.

"I love it here. I adore it here."

✔✔Sally is telling us that when we are faced with worries and problems we just don't want to deal with at the time, put on our best dress, dance to good music, and find pleasure. Know that you deserve to relieve yourself. #selflove

❤️❤️Thank you for reading.✨✨❤️

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⭐⭐Onto the next chapter!!!⭐⭐

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