Mrs. I'm too Entitled

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From a smile to a frown. A nasty one. The beautiful atmosphere I was enjoying evaporated rapidly into bitterness.

One person can do that to you, and the person who bought nasty quivers to my body was no other than Daniel's wife.

If there was a garage full of snakes and she was behind me, I'd take my chances with the snakes.

You can't bully someone for their entire life in high school, cause traumas, and attempted suicides then expect them to accept that you'd change.

And to add to the bullying, she had something I wanted to wrap between my legs so tight and not let go.

"Daniel! Hey, baby! I see you're entertaining the ladies. AGAIN!" She passed from my rear and stood in front of his face with her red coach heels, Gucci suit, and a lovely aroma.

Ugh! I hated that bitch and my fucking face was true to my thoughts.

"Run along now, baby!" She kissed him.

"Ladies!" He bowed like a gentleman and left.

She turned to me, and my eyes were fixated on the beautiful sets of decorative plates on the table.

"Hello, ladies!" She then turned to Anna and Riley. Anna hated her gut, and that was one of the reasons why I liked her more.

"OMG! Elizabeth! Where did you get those shoes! They are gorgeous! I love them." Riley stood and held onto her hands.

She did that every time, like a puppet for riches and nice things.

"Thanks, Riley! These were the first and last on the shelf. Latest edition, of course. Anyways, ladies, I have business to attend to. Bye! Sally!"

She shot those eyes like darts at me, but with a gentle pretentious smile and left.

I scrowled and turned to Riley. "You just had to do it, didn't you?" "Yes, Riley! You do that every time." Anna added.

"What did I do? They were really nice shoes!"

I rolled my eyes and tried to not let the bad days I had in school resurface. "Hey, Sal! Do you remember when she'd bullied you in Highschool?"

Well! At least I tried.

"Riley!" Anna blurted out. "Oh! I forgot. Sorry, babe!"

I wondered why we still kept Riley around us. She had her good and bad days and even though she had that type of personality. She was still an amazing friend.

I looked at her and smiled. "Anyways, we gathered here today to talk about your Mandingo problems and how we can fix them." Riley folded her hands on the table.

"Oh, boy!"

While we're started conversing, at the corner of my eyes, I saw Daniel returning with our pork ribs. I pulled myself up in the chair and showed signs to the girls. "Shut your fucking mouth. Daniel's coming!"

One person understood me and you already know the other who didn't. Ugh!

"Here is your meal, ladies! I see someone is having boy trouble." He looked at me with concern and a hint of jealousy.

What was that about?

"It's her and Travis! He can't last long enough for her to cum! Ha! Ha!" Riley blurted out!"

"Riley!" We both screamed her name. That girl could not have taken a hint.

"Wow! I guess I shouldn't be in this conversation. Enjoy ladies! He said with a weirded out expression and left.

"What did I do now? It's the truth. I mean, if you know he's not doing you right and you are definitely not going to bring this to his attention, why not find another alternative? Try using sex toys. You should see Anna's collection!"

"What collection of sex toys?" I tilted my head a little, looking at Riley then Anna.

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Onto the next chapter,🔥🔥

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