My first time

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I get the memo! Moving out of your mother's house to live alone is not easy. It may seem manageable at first but the bills, and more bills, and more bills. It sent me nuts! I was strong and although my perfect little job was paying, it wasn't enough. 

After three months of moving in and trying to get by, too proud to call my mom and ask for help because I was the one who instigated the move, I cracked. Literally! I felt like I was going up a hill and suddenly the hill disappeared, and I was laying flat on my face, on the ground screaming for help without any hope of moving. 

Remember those two little high school sluts, I mean, friends I told you about? Anna and Riley? They would come over to my apartment constantly and boast about how perfect everything is going for them in their perfect little life. I always wore a smile but I wanted to kick both of them. Honestly! They understood and offered to help but me being ME never accepted. 

Riley said something that made me want to rip her tongue out, but it kind of made sense after giving it some thought. She said, "Why not find a man to help you out with these things?" I raised my eyebrow and looked at her, then laughed in an unpleasant manner.

"You bitch!" I blurted out. Oops! I shouldn't have let that one slip, but I didn't want to hear that from her. She was a 2 dollar slut who could've never kept her legs closed. 

To add fuel to the fire, I was still a virgin at 18 years old and vowed to keep my flower intact till marriage. So, you understand why I wanted to not only choke her but tell her a thing or two about her not-so-perfect little life, right? I loved both of them but hated them at the same time. That was our friendship! 

That night, I gave it some thought! I wasn't ready to throw away my innocence to some random guy because I wanted him to pay my bills, but  I needed the help. My job took up almost all of my time, and I wasn't interested in dating anyone. 

If this story continued in that direction, I wouldn't have been telling you, now would I? 

There was this interesting guy that worked about two blocks away from where I worked. In the mornings, for four months straight this guy offered to buy me coffee. He even found new ways to approach me every week. It was annoying, but the idea of feeling wanted was always fresh and satisfying. 

I gave in! For the first time! Like a soaked puppy in rain looking for shelter, I gave in! We started dating ten dates after and I finally decided to tell him about me being a virgin. His reaction was priceless. 


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