Confronting Our Truth

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"Babe! What's wrong? You do not look happy to see me. Is it because I didn't call you all day? You know how hectic my work can be!"

I walked to the couch and sat down. He followed me.

Looking at him made my blood boil for so many reasons. "Travis! You know I care about you very much. You have my heart and you're my first for everything. Is there anything you're not telling me? You can be honest with me and I will be honest with you. I'll tell you everything that has been going on with me."

He looked at me, confused and with worry in his eyes. His expression turned cold and plain. "You can trust that I've never kept anything from you."

Filled with disbelief, I laughed and opted to give him a second chance. I stood up. "Are you sure there is nothing you're keeping from me?" He stood up and looked into my eyes. "No!" 

Okay! I reached for my phone from my bed and dialed a number. "You can come up!" Travis kept asking me what happened, but I ignored his questions. I heard a knock on the door and opened it up.

"Do you know who this is?" He stepped back, held his head, and rushed to the woman standing next to me.

"Ann... Honey, what are you doing here?" He grabbed her by the arm. She pushed him away, held onto her tummy, and stepped back.

"I am sorry! Are we forgetting someone here?" I glared at him.  I laughed, frantically scratched my head, and walked towards him with my arms folded.

"Who is she to you, Travis?" I asked him with fury, building a mountain in my head. "Babe... I mean Sal... She is... I don't... "

He dodged me and made attempts to talk to Ann again. "Honey, you're pregnant! Try not to do anything to hurt the baby. Please!" Ann started crying and I turned to both of them.

"How dare you? How could you do this to me? After everything I've done for you and everything we've been through, Travis!" Tears poured from my eyes as the hurt seeped through my soul.

"I cannot take this anymore!" Ann rushed through the door and Travis attempted to go after her.

"Travis!"I screamed his name with my fists folded tightly together.

He turned back and bowed his head. "I am sorry, Sal, but she... She is my wife of seven years and she is pregnant. If she does something crazy, I don't know what I'll do."

He left. Slamming the door behind him.

In my mind, I knew that I had done the unspeakable by cheating on him with Daniel, but he had a wife and she was pregnant for him, which completely took me off guard.

My head felt dizzy; the ground was spinning and I crouched to the floor. Feeling used, abandoned, and heartbroken.

I wanted nothing more than for all of this to be a lie. I wish we could've gone back to the days when no one else existed but us.

Karma touched my shoulders and told me I shouldn't feel the way I felt because I did him wrong and I knew that but he lied to me. In more ways than one, he lied. He broke my trust, our promises, and most of all, my heart.

I lay on my bed, crouched up, crying and feeling sorry for myself. I took a bottle of wine from the cellar and began drinking. I picked up my phone and started dialing numbers. After that, I dozed off and woke up the next morning to the sound of someone knocking on my door.


❤️❤️This is the end of this chapter! ❤️❤️

❤️❤️Thank you for reading.✨✨❤️

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⭐⭐Onto the next chapter!!!⭐⭐

Toys Are Better Than MenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora