⭐Intermission ⭐

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Hey guys. Thank you so much! I literally cannot stress anymore on how excited I am that this book has made it this far. I'm still lost for words.⭐❤️😻
This intermission is to bring you up to speed. Just a brief summary of everything that has happened with the MC. It's just so you can get a good feel of what's happening and what you can expect in the next chapters.😹😇

So, you've all met Sally (Main character). Let's jot down some points about her.😀😀

1. She's 18 years old
2. She's a brown girl with curly hair and curves
3. She has a Mom, two close or not so close friends, Riley and Anna.
4. She's got a boyfriend named Travis who isn't up to standards and a super hot crush named Daniel.
5. She lives alone in an Apartment after moving from her mom's and finishing college.
6. Her and her friend's favorite restaurant is Caribbean Things owned my her "crush"
7. Not forgetting Elizabeth who's Daniel's wife and Sally's highschool bully.
8. She now has a shady character, a blonde girl she's seeing everywhere.
9. She's had sex twice and can't decide whether she enjoyed it or not.
10. Sally's friend Riley wants to introduce her to Sex Toys.

Sally: She has been introduced to this new world and wants to feel everything that is good. She is head-strong because of her past but still afraid of it. She's determined to make it her best.

Travis: Got a big dick. Not sure if Sally exaggerated but we don't know much about him. He tries to be romantic but you've seen how that played out. We need more information about him. Who he is and what's missing?

Anna: A great friend. Always there to help. Cautious, observant and always wants what's best for her friends. She's a little on the kinky and freakish side which is a big twist from her personality. Let's find out more about her as we go along.

Riley: By now we all hate Riley because of her tongue and the fact that she says everything at the wrong time. One thing you can't hate her for is telling the truth. Why are we getting the vibe that she secretly hates Sally?

Daniel: Dreamy! Cooks! Has his own restaurant. Muscular and has a beautiful body. Not forgetting married to the Devil in carnage. What part did he play in Sally's life?

Elizabeth: As Sally said, School bully. Ignorant to the fact that she was not forgiven. Overprotective of her husband, Daniel. Rich and super stylish. Also acts like a puppet master.

New Character: The Shady character that was at the same place at the same time with Sally . Who is she and what does she want?

So far we've learnt a lot and I think a new pot in on the fire now that Sally's been told about Sex Toys. She's feeling more uneasy about Daniel. She has someone that she's seeing everywhere and Travis can't keep it up for long. Her friends are trying to help her but will that keep her relationship or will that make it worse? What will happened in the next few Chapters? I'm so curious🧐🥶🥶

Well... Don't wait around. Let's find out! 🏃‍♀️💨

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