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I got up very early the next day. Tried my best to shake off what happened, but I couldn't get it out of my mind.

I didn't look for Travis that morning because, in the middle of the night, he gave me a slimy kiss on my forehead and left.

I geared my mind like a soldier marching into battle while walking on the pathway to meet my friends.

"It's imperative that I relax. I'm just going to listen and be nice!" I tried to convince myself while pushing the glass door into my favorite jerked pork restaurant.

It was owned by a handsome dude with dreads that had a thing for me since I moved to the area.

Knowing I looked gorgeous with my black leader skirt, white boy shirt, and high booth, I trickled my fingers through my curls and bat my eyelashes. Of course, heads turned, but I recognized the person whose gaze followed me as someone quite familiar.

There was this girl, not prettier than me, but she was alright. She works nearby for my firm, and we've had a few interactions.

Blonde hair, blue eyes, bright smile, beautiful body. Despite her foreign appearance, she claimed to be a local with a great character, yet had peculiar clothing. In my eyes, the dark and gloomy colors had a fashionable look.

In the past months, I've seen her countless times. It's as if we're always in the same place at the same time. I even spotted her walking around the building one night while I was on my balcony.

I looked at her and waved with a smile. I walked to my friends, and standing next to them was Daniel.

Dreamy Daniel. The owner of  my favorite jerk pork restaurant called, "Caribbean Things." His body was amazing. I couldn't believe I was lusting after another man's body other than Travis's.

Red flags were all around, but I blatantly shot them down with my darts of lust.

Not only because I was taken but because he was as well, and the worst part was, his wife was the mean princess that bullied me in  high school. She suddenly became mature, gentle, and loving. Ugh!

I sat after saying hello with a brighter smile. Anna and Riley were chuckling to themselves, and I knew why.

My eyes lit up like a candle fly and were walking baby steps on his biceps. That apron did not do those muscles any justice. 

"I see you're looking fabulous as always, Ms. Gibbs." He said with that gorgeous smile on his face. He reached for my left hand and kissed it.

I melted! Literally! In a bowl of "Ah" and "Oh," but that was shut completely down when I heard a  familiar voice.

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😳New characters are appearing. I wonder who showed up?? Aren't you curious too?🤔

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