Chapter 5

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"So our dance professor is Mr. Gray's brother?" I asked Yuna as we warmed up for the first dance class of the year.

She nodded.

"Tyler Gray. He's hot, but I think he's gay. I'm not sure and he's 25."

I shrugged and started stretching, copying Yuna's moves. There were 18 other dancers in the class, but I didn't know any of them.

Suddenly, silence settled in and I saw a young man enter the room in the large mirror that took up an entire wall.

His hair was almost falling over his eyes and he had a bit of a beard. He was dressed in sweatpants and a tight tank top and looked really good.

"Hi everyone, I hope you had a great time this summer. I'm Tyler Gray, for those of you who don't know me."

He leaned against the mirror and surveyed the room.

"Who's new, raise your hands."

I raised my hand with three other people and then Tyler started telling us about the plan for this school year and the concerts he was going to sign us up for. We spent two whole hours talking about next year before he dismissed us and told us he would see us tomorrow.

"Oh, Maddie Campbell, the cheer captain asked me to announce to you that they need a new member and are holding freshman tryouts at six."

"You should go try out, Ryu! You'd do great!" Yuna suggested and I smiled. I had always wanted to become a cheerleader in high school and finally now I had my chance.

"Where?" I asked out loud and everyone turned to look at me.

"On the soccer field." Tyler replied smiling.

"I'll show you where it is if you want." Yuna offered and I nodded.

We quickly changed back into our normal clothes and started walking towards the soccer field.

"So, what other sports are there at this university?" I asked.

"Tennis, soccer, basketball and volleyball."

"And they all have cheerleaders?"

"Except tennis players." She said. "I can carry your bag into the bedroom, if you want."


I handed her my bag and she winked at me, before pointing to an entrance I could walk through so I could get to the camp.

"Good luck! And I'll see you tonight at the TDC party?"

"A party on Monday? It's a school night!"

"This is college, Ryujin! See ya!" She shouted as she walked away rolling her eyes and smiling.

I arrived at the field and looked around, before I saw the cheerleaders in their uniforms, talking to seven girls who were not dressed in uniforms.

I walked towards them, biting my lip, suddenly feeling nervous. What if they were laughing at me? Or they didn't want me on the team?

This was a bad decision. Maybe I should turn around. I'm leaving. I'm turning around while I'm talking to myself like a stupid.

"Are you here to join the team?" A curly-haired blonde girl asked and I noticed I was right next to her.

"Um, yeah."

"You're a freshman?"

I nodded and she smiled, before turning back to the rest of the girls.

"Alright, welcome to freshman hell week. By the way, I'm Maddie Campbell, as you can see, there are eight of you, ten of us. Well, plus the eleven male cheerleaders, but they are now irrelevant. Which means, unfortunately only one of you is going to make the team. Here's how it's going to work, every soccer player has his/her own cheerleader. See that guy who just walked onto the field? Bryan Smith, he's a freshman who made the team today and one of you lucky ones, he's going to get to be his cheerleader."

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