Traveling with two sannins

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Next day Naruto and Jiraya was near the gate, they were told to wait there by Tsunade. While Naruto was chatting with his friends Tsunade came in his view. "Yo baa-chan what took you so long? "
"Brat shut up for a while"
"Hokage-sama where are you going with those bags? "
"I have decided to tag along with these two idiots. I can't trust Naruto with a old fool"
"What about the village Hokage-sama? "
"For the time I go I decide Kakashi to be my replacement"
"Me?! Do you really think I can handle this my lady? "
"Don't worry Kakashi I trust you "
"Wow congrats sensei" Naruto and Sakura said in uniform.
"Thanks I guess" Kakashi replied while scratching his neck.
"But Tsunade-sama I was wishing to train under you"
"Don't worry Sakura Shizune will train you. After all she was my pupil right Shizune?"
"Yes my lady when you return home you will see a great medical shinobi "
While Sakura was thanking Shizune Naruto called Tsunade in a low sound "say baa-chan is this really my god father " Naruto asked while pointing at Jiraya who was watering while looking at a hotty passing through the streets.
"I guess so. After all he is a sage master"
"More like a pervy-sage"
"What did you say kido? Is that your way calling me, your god father " Jiraya apparently yelled at Naruto.
"Ho ya do you want me to say the number of hot baths you peeked? "
Jiraya's hand was quickly in Naruto's face stopping him from talking further. "Brat stop talking nonsense " Jiraya whispered in his ears.
"Mmmm... "Naruto's words were muffled by the strong grip on his mouth.
"J-I-R-A-Y-A is it true ?" Tsunade asked in a deadly tone.
"No t-tsunade" Jiraya said as sweat run down his face.
"You are a dead meat you pervert"
Tsunade ran after the Sage master as he ran away from the group.
"Did they really forget me" Naruto whispered as a sweat roll down his head. Saying his fare well to the laughing group Naruto ran after the two sannins.
'Be safe kitsune' Shikamaru thought as he watched the blonde hair diffusing in the air.

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