Protect or destroy

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"Only I could? Hey crow man, he literally tried to kill me when we meet last time "
'If he could you would be death a long time ago Naruto'
"*sigh* But he didn't kill you right. Now listen he is going to kill me. I suppose after my death some one will tell him about the truth and he will turn to destroy the leaf. So please stop him. I decide to die for my village. And I don't want my brother to destroy it"
"*rise a fist* Don't worry crow man. I will fulfill your last wish"
"*smile* I knew I could trust you Naruto. Thank you"
"*blush* You look cute with a smile"
"*shocked* why thank you "
"Sorry I didn't mean it in a weird way"
"I understood. Naruto I would like to share some of my power with you. When time comes say Sasuke to use it wisely "
Suddenly a crow fly to Naruto's mouth and entered inside him.
"*pant* What the-. Are you seriously trying to kill me? "
"*smile* Sorry for it. I may release the genjutsu now"
"You better be "
"This might be my good bye brother in law "
And with that Naruto was back in his group.
End of flash back  no jutsu
"So you find him cute with a smile? "
"*sweat drop * Where you even listening Uchiha? "
"*starts to sulk* Yes I did"
"Why are you sulking Uchiha? Did you forget that I am married to your sister, not you"
"For your information I don't have a sister"
"Then what did he mean by me being his brother in law? Could it be that she is dead? So sad. I can't even see her"
"Forget it. So Itachi told you to prevent me from destroying the village? "
"Hmm. By the way why did you kill your own brother?"
"*eyes became distant * He killed my entire clan. He even killed my parents in front of me. That day he told me to kill him when I am strong. So to avenge the clan I had to kill him"
'His eyes has became distant. It must be so painful to him'
" What about Danzo-san? "
"He was the main reason why Itachi had to kill the clan"
"You know Sasuke, you are really lucky to have a family from the beginning "
" But it was the case why it was so painful to lose them"
"But you had memories with them. I don't even remember who my parents are. I didn't know how it feel to cry on mother's shoulder or how it feels to walk by holding a father's hand. All I had was to watch what other children do with their parents"
"I am sorry Naruto. I should at least be grateful that I had those bonds"
Again silence took over. Both just sat there watching the sun set and stars shine in the sky. After deciding Sasuke break the silence.
"Naruto I have a question to ask"
"What will you do if you were in my place? Will you destroy the village for framing your brother or will you forgive the village for what it has done to you? "
"That's a good one"

Not again (Sasunaru 🌚🌞) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now