Tough decision

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"Garuda you have to bring them to Konoha ". Garuda nodded her head as she enknowledge Sasuke's order. The clone took Naruto in his hand in bridal style and jumped on the eagle. Soon Sakura followed his action. The eagle spread it's wings and flew away.
"Looks like I have to fight with you Sasuke"
"You have no choice Kakashi"
"So do you two really think that you can defeat me. It would be the funniest thing I ever heard"
"I will in order to protect Naruto "
"And to protect my student "
"Love made you weak Sasuke"
"It also makes me strong Madara. The will to protect beloved ones is greater"
"Let's see if your love or my power is great"
Sasuke and Kakashi lunged forward to attack Madara. A big fight occur onwards. The land which witnessed two massive fights were destroyed completely in the end. After all Sasuke's love wins in the end. Kakashi sealed the body of Madara and picked the uncounsious body of his emo student.
'You did great than me Sasuke. I hope Naruto will forgive you for your past deeds'

The next day Sasuke woke up to a white ceiling. When he looked around he understood that he was in a hospital. When he saw a blonde mop in his bed he pocked it out off curiosity. The mop whimpered and moved a little bit. After a little while it rise up. Blue eyes meeting with the orb one.
"Good morning Uchiha. What are you doing in my house? "
"Dobe this isn't your house. You are in a hospital. And what are you doing in my bed? "
"DOBE? ". Naruto yelled while pointing a finger towards Sasuke.
"What? Did I misspell it or something? "
"Who do you think you are to call me that teme ". Naruto moved forward to punch Sasuke. But his foot slipped and he fall really close to Sasuke's face. They both stared at each other for a while. Slowly Sasuke moved forward reducing the space between their lips. Naruto just continued to look at the pool of black. He was mesmerized in Sasuke's eyes. He saw many emotions going through those eyes. Many he can't point out clearly. Suddenly he broke out of his fantasy when he heard a pecking at window. With a embrassed blush he got away from Sasuke. Sasuke looked to the other side with a pink tained face.
"M-m I-I. Oh I need to call baa-chan "
Naruto ran out of the room immediately.
'Dobe. What are you doing to me? I would have kissed him if he didn't stop. I wonder how his lips will taste. And he has became even more feminine. After all it's been years since I kissed him last'. Sasuke's eyes clouded remembering the words he told to Naruto at the valley of end. He had to say those in order to break his bond. But no matter what he can't kill him. If he didn't leave Naruto he knew his brother will come to capture Naruto. So he had to make the dificult decision in his life, to leave his happiness behind.

 So he had to make the dificult decision in his life, to leave his happiness behind

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