3: Enter - Madara Uchiha!

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MinataNamikaze1: The disclaimer: I do not own Naruto cause if I did then Sakura wouldn't be a useless fangirl in pre-shippuden, and Naruto would have his father's smarts while keeping his mother's personality and knows about seals and how to use to them. I do, however, own Rin Uzumaki and the Panther Summons (A/N: If there is one then I do not own it). Remember to Read and Review to let me know what you think. Also, if you don't like any twist that I might make then stop reading and find something else to read plus don't leave a review that's a flame or I will find a way to block you. Ja ne!

...My Line...

"On to the next episode," Obito said cheerfully as he hit play on the remote.

The Nohara Chunin then smiled at the Uchiha teen.

...My Line...

'Am...am I d-dead?' a very familiar voice thought as he slowly opened his remaining eye before he eye as the scene showed him all bandaged up. "Where am I?"

...My Line...

"SAY WHAT?!" those of the past yelled in shock.

"But, how?" Kushina asked. "How is Obito still..."

...My Line...

"Between this life and the next, my young Uchiha" an old sounding voice said.

"Those eyes," Obito said softly. "No way, Grandps. You're an Uchiha, too?"

"Well, perhaps I am," the old man answered.

"You rescued me?" he asked. "But, wait...you said between this life and the next? Where exactly is that? It's dark. I can't see. Besides, Grandps, who in the world are you?" He snorted. "Don't tell me that you're Death himself? You know, the guy, who escorts people to heaven or to hell." The young Uchiha then took noticed of the scythe to which he shoots up in bed. "NO! I DON'T WANT TO DIE YET! SOMEBODY HELP!"

...My Line...

There were roars of laughter as Obito sunk in his seat.

...My Line...

3: Enter – Madara Uchiha!

"I JUST SAW A SIGN!" Obito yelled. "I KNEW IT! I was right, you are Death for sure. The Grim Reaper for the Uchiha Clan! Wait, I live my life by the creed of helping elderly people in need. So, I caused I little mischief and broke rules all the time. So, I'm sure that the scale tips onto the positive side. Please? Not hell?"

...My Line...

"I don't think that you're going to hell, Obito," Kushina laughed.

"Oh, shut up," the Uchiha teen growled as the other females all cooed at that.

...My Line...

Obito let out a groan of pain from moving.

"The fact that you can still feel pain means that you are still alive," the older Uchiha told him making him to look up at him. "However, you have survive could be called miraculous...It is incredible that those boulders did not crush you." The teen looked at him in confusion. "It's almost as if you passed right through them."

"So, where did you find me?"

...My Line...

"Good question," Jiraiya said with a nod.

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