12: The Oath of Pain!

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MinataNamikaze1: The disclaimer: I do not own Case Closed cause if I did then I wouldn't change anything at all and I also do not own Naruto cause if I did then Sakura wouldn't be a useless fangirl in pre-shippuden, and Naruto would have his father's smarts while keeping his mother's personality and knows about seals and how to use to them. I do, however, own Rin Uzumaki and the Panther Summons (A/N: If there is one then I do not own it). Remember to Read and Review to let me know what you think. Also, if you don't like any twist that I might make then stop reading and find something else to read plus don't leave a review that's a flame or I will find a way to block you. Ja ne!

...My Line...

"Okay," the 20-year-old Uzumaki said as everyone sat back down after dinner. "Everyone ready?"

"Yup," they all answered.

"Onto the next episode," Jiraiya said as Tsunade hit play on the remote.

The four sets of couples all cuddled up with each other while the three toddlers went back to coloring and drawing as they got to know each other.

...My Line...

Rin felt fear coming from one of her teammates, so she looked out the corner of her left eye to see Sasuke trembling with fear as the silver hair Jonin unleashed his Chakra before he was visible to his students again.

'I feel like I can't breathe...One shallow breath, one tiny movement of the eye is enough to drew his attack...It's suffocating...If it goes on like this I'll go insane...The clash of 2 Jonins intend to attack...I never felt anything so chilling it's as if my own life is being chocked off...No I can't take it," Sasuke thought as his grip on the kunai tighten hold it in both his hands. 'I weather.'

However, when he was about to kill himself, Rin was in front of him in no time holding the hand that has the Kunai.

"Calm Down. I'll protect you with my life...All of you. I will not allow my comrades to die." He looked back at them with an eye smile. "Trust me."

"I won't it be too sure if I were you Kakashi," Zabuza told him as he appeared between the Genin and in front of the barrier. "It's over."

Rin reacted faster than Kakashi and plugged her katana into Zabuza's gut, but instead of blood pouring out it was water and soon Zabuza was behind the redhead and the one in front of her turned into water.

"Sister behind you!" the blonde yelled.

The red hair Genin looked in time to Zabuza's sword come at her and cute her in half, but Zabuza found out it was Water Clone.

'Water Clone Jutsu?' the Momochi asked in surprise. 'It can't be.'

"Don't move," Kakashi told him as he appeared behind him with a kunai to his thought while Rin was in front of him with her Katana to his gut. "Now it's over."

...My Line...

Episode 12: The Oath of Pain!

...My Line...

"That's one hell of a title," Tsunade blinked in surprise.

"You'll find out why soon, Tsunade-Shisho," Pansā informed her.

This got a grin from the other Medic as everyone turned back to the show.

...My Line...

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