29: The 10th Question: All or Nothing!

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MinataNamikaze1: The disclaimer: I do not own Naruto cause if I did then Sakura wouldn't be a useless fangirl in pre-shippuden, and Naruto would have his father's smarts while keeping his mother's personality and knows about seals and how to use to them. I do, however, own Rin Uzumaki and the Panther Summons (A/N: If there is one then I do not own it). Remember to Read and Review to let me know what you think. Also, if you don't like any twist that I might make then stop reading and find something else to read plus don't leave a review that's a flame or I will find a way to block you. Ja ne!

...My Line...

Those of the group, who went to get drinks, returned to their seats and settled in while Jiraiya looked around to make sure that they were all ready.

"Onto the next episode," he said cheerfully before hitting play.

Team Minato looked worried as the new episode started.

...My Line...

The scene opened to outside of the Academy as the sound of the clock ticking was heard before it moved inside of classroom 3-1 where Ibiki smirked.

'Now that we weeded out most of the hopeless cases,' the Morino thought. '15 minutes. Time for the main event.' "Alright! Listen up! Here the 10th and final question!"

Naruto's grip on his pencil.

'Here we go,' the male Uzumaki thought. 'Everything is slightly riding on this one, ya know.'

...My Line...

'Naruto,' Kushina thought in worried.

She felt Minato's grip on her hand tighten slightly which let her know that he was worried, too.

...My Line...

Episode 29: The 10th Question: All or Nothing!

'Man, this guy is full of himself,' the Uchiha thought.

'This is it,' the Haruno thought. 'The final obstacle.'

'Finally,' the Uzumaki Heiress thought with a sigh. 'This is almost over.'

...My Line...

The group cackled at that in amusement.

...My Line...

'Hurry up, Kankuro,' Temari thought. 'What good is your cheat sheet if you're going to miss the 10th question?'

"But, before I give you the question there are some more rules that you should be aware of," Ibiki informed them.

Just then the Puppeteer walked back into the room.


"Ah, made it just in time," the Morino stated as the other teams all looked back at him. "I hope that you found your trip to the bathroom enlightening."

'He's seen through the Crow's disguise!' the Sand Ninja thought in shock. 'He's onto us.'

"Well, take your seat," Ibiki ordered him.

Kankuro did as told, but as he passed his sister, he dropped something next to her before sitting down.

'I can't believe that he thought that they wouldn't notice,' Rin thought as she looked out of the corner of her eyes. 'These guys don't fool around after all...' She looked at the man in front of them. 'Especially, Ibiki-Sensei. That guy has not a single funny bone in his entire body. Though what does one expect from the Head of the ANBU's Torture and Interrogation Department?'

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