15: The Land Where A Hero Once Lived!

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MinataNamikaze1: The disclaimer: I do not own Naruto cause if I did then Sakura wouldn't be a useless fangirl in pre-shippuden, and Naruto would have his father's smarts while keeping his mother's personality and knows about seals and how to use to them. I do, however, own Rin Uzumaki and the Panther Summons (A/N: If there is one then I do not own it). Remember to Read and Review to let me know what you think. Also, if you don't like any twist that I might make then stop reading and find something else to read plus don't leave a review that's a flame or I will find a way to block you. Ja ne!

...My Line...

The next morning, the group returned to the viewing room to watch more of the future after eating breakfast with some drinks and snacks.

"Everyone ready?" Kakashi asked as he held the remote this time.

"Yes," they all answered.

"Okay," he nodded his head before hitting play.

...My Line...

The scene opened to show that it was the early hours of the morning along with Rin pulling her hair out of her custom ponytail and letting it fall down her back just like her Mother before her before she grabbed a basket and then walked out of the house slowly.

...My Line...

"Don't leave without telling your Sensei," Minato groaned.

"Well, at least we know that she has more Kushina in her," Jiraiya laughed in amusement.

This got him the death stare from both Kushina and Minato.

...My Line...

The redhead then made a reinforced Shadow Clone before heading into the woods to pick the herbs that Kakashi needed to get better.

"Rin-chan!" an excitable voice called out. "Rin-chan! Rin-chan!"

The red hair Genin blinked few times before looking behind her to see the mask Uchiha running up to her while waving.

"Tobi?" she asked surprised as he finally came to a stop next to her. "What are you doing here?"

"Tobi came looking for Rin-chan when he found out that she wasn't in Konoha," the man answered.

"Why?" the redhead tilted her head.

The Uchiha had to swallow while blushing under his mask as the confused and slanted head made the Uzumaki Heiress look like a lost puppy.

...My Line...

"AWE!" the females all gashed.

Obito blushed brightly at the look making Kakashi and Rin to look at him before sharing a look with small smiles.

...My Line...

"Tobi wants to get to know Rin-chan better," Obito answered.

This got a soft smile from the young girl.

"Okay, then," she agreed before turning. "You can also help me with picking herbs while we talk."

"YEAH!" he cheered as he moved quickly to walk next the redhead. 'Damn Kakashi. He's so lucky to get to train Sensei's Daughter.'

When the two of them reached a clearing, Rin told him what to pick and what the herb looked like while he asked her questions about herself that she answered.

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