6: My Name is Konohamaru!

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MinataNamikaze1: The disclaimer: I do not own Naruto cause if I did then Sakura wouldn't be a useless fangirl in pre-shippuden, and Naruto would have his father's smarts while keeping his mother's personality and knows about seals and how to use to them. I do, however, own Rin Uzumaki and the Panther Summons (A/N: If there is one then I do not own it). Remember to Read and Review to let me know what you think. Also, if you don't like any twist that I might make then stop reading and find something else to read plus don't leave a review that's a flame or I will find a way to block you. Ja ne!

...My Line...

After everyone had eaten lunch, they all returned to the screen room to continue with the viewing of the future. The seats had been changed from what one would see in a movie theater to a really long u shape couch. This had everyone from the past blinking especially as there was a white hair male that had scars on the right side of his face cuddled up to a shoulder length pulled into a high ponytail by a burnt orange ribbon, pin straight, crimson red hair with the bangs pulled to the left side using a silver hairclip and narrow almond shape dark violet eyed woman at the end of the couch while a dark hair with dark eyes and red hair with dark violet eyes 3 almost 4-year-olds Minato look alikes were sitting in front of them on the floor drawing.

"Hi," the female greeted. "Naruto had to return to his Hokage lessons, so we were sent in his place." She smiled at them as Itachi moved to join the other two boys. "Anyways, I'm Rin Uchiha nee Uzumaki, of course you can call me by my ANBU Code Name, Pansā."

"And I'm her husband Obito Uchiha, but you can call me, Tobi," the white hair male added. "And these two are our children."

"Shinya and Shinichi Uchiha," the younger Uzumaki finished the introduction.

Kushina felt tears come to her eyes at seeing the little ones while Minato looked at them in awe. The younger Obito, however, was stealthy moving away from his Sensei in case he decided to take the anger of his only Daughter ending up with his older self out on him.

"They're so cute," the Nohara, Mikoto, Tsunade, and older Uzumaki gashed.

This got proud smiles from the future Uchiha couple.

"So, shill we get to the next episode?" Hiruzen asked.

"Agreed," Fugaku second though he had a smirk on his face at seeing his Son finally being able to act his age.

They all sat down though Kushina, and Minato sat closer to the older former of Obito, their future Daughter, and future Grandsons. Younger Obito made sure he sat next to his uncle and aunt away from his Sensei, who he just knew was giving him the stink eye.

"Alrighty then," Jiraiya said as he hit play.

...My Line...

The scene opened up to show Rin picking herbs in the forest near the Uzumaki Clan Compound. It was as she was moving to stand up with her herb basket when a man with dark color hair wearing an orange and black spiral mask appeared from a vortex all injured. The redhead gasped as she quickly places the basket down and ran over to the mask man with her hands already covered in green healing Chakra. The 12-year-old Genin knelt next to the man and started to heal his wounds when a groan was heard from him before he turned his head to look at, who was healing him. The sole Sharingan eye widen at seeing a young Kushina look alike with dark blue color eyes instead of dark violet.

"Awake, I see," Rin said giving a small smile.

"Who are you?" a childish sounding voice came from the man.

"I'm the Uzumaki Heiress, Rin," she answered making him to stiffen at the name. "And you?"

"Tobi's name is Tobi," he informed. "Is Rin-chan a medic?"

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