10: A Dangerous Mission: Journey to the Land of Waves!

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MinataNamikaze1: The disclaimer: I do not own Naruto cause if I did then Sakura wouldn't be a useless fangirl in pre-shippuden, and Naruto would have his father's smarts while keeping his mother's personality and knows about seals and how to use to them. I do, however, own Rin Uzumaki and the Panther Summons (A/N: If there is one then I do not own it). Remember to Read and Review to let me know what you think. Also, if you don't like any twist that I might make then stop reading and find something else to read plus don't leave a review that's a flame or I will find a way to block you. Ja ne!

...My Line...

"Hey, everyone," a redhead greeted when they all returned from restroom.

Sitting while cuddling on the couch was Tobi and Pansā, who had a smirk and a smile, this made them all smile at seeing them. Especially since they brought their sons with them again and Itachi joined his two much younger cousins.

"Imouto! Onii-san!"

Naruto and Hinata moved to joined them on the couch with Minato and Kushina being right behind them. Shinya stood up and walked over to the 22-year-old Uzumaki, who looked at him in surprise.

"UP, Gwandma?" he asked as he held up his arms.

Tears came to a pair of dark violet eyes before the 22-year-old picked him up and sat him in her lap. His Brother, who was more likely to inherit the Sharingan, and his older cousin were on the ground coloring and talking with each other.

"How did he know that Kushina was..." the blonde Minato started to ask.

"We have pictures of you both up in our home," Tobi answered. "This way they would know what you two looked like."

Fugaku looked at his two great Nephews in thought before looking at the white hair Uchiha.

"Which one do you think will inherit the Sharingan?" he asked him.

The 37-year-old looked thoughtful at that.

"I have to say that it'll be Shinichi, who takes more after me, while Shinya takes more after Pansā," he answered. "But, we had decided to wait to see, who unlocks the Sharingan before naming the other the Uzumaki Heir."

The Sandaime nodded his head at that.

"That's a good plan," he agreed. "That way the Sharingan can remain in the Uchiha Clan."

"And keep Sasuke off our backs about it," Tobi deadpan in annoyance.

"Awe, he means well," Naruto told him.

This just got him a glare from his Brother-in-Law while Fugaku picked up the remote.

"Well, let's get to the next episode," the Uchiha Patriarch said before hitting play.

They all settled down while the strain man put the remote down.

...My Line...

The scene opened to a field and forest with a view of a sky.

"Sasuke, I'm at point B."

"Sakura, I'm at point C."

"Rin, I'm at point D."

Squad 7 was one of their many missions that are D-ranked. Sakura, Sasuke, Rin, and Naruto were starting to get annoyed with them. The Uzumaki Heiress let out a sigh that soon turned to a yawn as they waited for Naruto.

"Naruto, I'm at point A, ya know."

"Your slow Naruto," Kakashi told him. "Okay, Squad 7...Uh." The red hair Uzumaki rolled her eyes. "The target has moved. After it!"

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