Chapter 23

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6 months later...
   "What do you mean leave of absence?" I asked looking at my doctor.
    "Kaylie, your back took a lot of damage your last fight. You need more time to recover," Dr. Smith said looking at my chart.
    "Let me get this straight, I just get back in the ring and now I have to get back out?" I asked clearly upset.
    "Look, Kaylie. You don't have to leave wrestling permanently, only for 6 more weeks. I have to make sure if you take another hit like this, it won't leave you paralyzed for the rest of your life." I sighed and relaxed my body.
     "Okay, alright."


     I rolled out of bed the next morning and threw on my work clothes, which was some black dress pants and a black blouse.

❤️My Girl
"Hey you alright?"

I sighed and ignored Rhea's message, shoving my phone into my pants pocket. My hands shoved into my pockets as I made my way to my car for the drive to work.
   Once I got there I moved past the weekly meeting and went straight to my office where I aggressively pulled the curtains shut. My hands shoved all the small trinkets and papers on my desk and to the floor in anger. The sound of the items hitting the floor wasn't to loud, but would be loud enough for someone to hear about a foot or so from the door.
    She was supposed to be my best friend, the person who would be happy for me no matter what and here she is trying to end my career. Edge, Dakota, and Charlotte have made it on my list of people, and Charlotte was not the person I would suspect to make me feel this way. She might as well have killed me and spat on my grave, at this point 6 weeks will be my death. I just get back and now I have to pull in like a coward. I bent over to start to pick up the item but a strain in my back caused me to quickly stand back up and lean against the desk the items once were on.
   I took a deep breath, my anger only boiling over my body. I will not walk away from this without a proper fight, she will not get the best of me. All of this over Demi? It makes no sense to me, I feel like I'm stuck in some forbidden romance novel where my parents don't want me with someone.
I felt a stray tear dampen my cheek, my hand went up to pull the tear from my skin only my my eyes to gaze over the now wet skin. I stood up from my desk as I brushed my hand over my pants to dry the tear from my hand.
    "Kaylie?" Demi's voice hugged my ears as she walked in my office. "What happened are you aright?" She asked closing the door behind her as she look at the mess below my feet.
    "I'm fine, go back to your meeting," I sighed going to sit in my office chair.
     "It's over, but what happened in here is what I want to know," her body moved forward and down to pick up the small items and place them back on my desk the way they were.
     "I had a moment, I was going to pick them up. I just hadn't gotten to it," I said watching her every move.
     "Hadn't gotten to it? Or couldn't bend down to reach it?" She asked picking up the final piece of paper and placing it on my desk before me.
    "Demi, I am down for 6 weeks. My back is almost done for, I can't keep going through this. The fans aren't going to want this disappearing act anymore. They will move on to the next most interesting thing," I said resting my head on my right hand that was being supported by my arm resting my on desktop.
     She sighed and opened the curtains behind me much more gentle than I did previously. "Kaylie, 6 weeks is nothing compared to what others have endured and the fans are still back for their story. We have one of the best stories in this right now, you and I both know that. Just because you can't be in a match, doesn't mean we still can't play out parts to keep the fans entertained. I mean think about it Roman doesn't fight all the time and he is the undisputed champion." Her body leaned up to the glass over looking the home ring.
    "Demi, I just don't know if I can keep fighting. I just got back and now my doctor is keeping me back yet again, should I have came back to begin with?" I asked leaning back in my chair with my arms now resting on the arms of my chair.
    "If you didn't come back, we wouldn't be together. We wouldn't have something to fight for, our story isn't just for entertainment. It's real. It's not every day you get a story line that isn't just in the ring but out too," she had a way with words I will tell you that. "Besides, you are still a director. It's not like you are out of a job permanently."

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