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Dylan Cameron

"It was nice seeing Minnie again" Aspen says as we both lay in my bed

"It was" I tell her

It goes back quiet, neither of us really knowing what to say at the moment. Ever since we left the party, something felt off. I wasn't sure what but I could definitely feel it and I know Aspen could too.

"I was thinking about taking a few weeks to myself. You know, have some quality time for myself and with my best friend" I say

"You should. I've missed you a lot Dylan" she says hugging me

"I miss you too" I say hugging her tightly as tears roll down my face

"If you wanna talk about it, we can. I know it's been a hard time for you but I'm always here if you need to talk" she says still not letting me go

"I don't know if I can. I was barely able to stop crying when we started filming again and I feel like if I start again, I'll never be able to stop" I say pulling away to wipe my face

"I know but you have to let yourself feel those emotions. It's not gonna get any better unless you start dealing with what happened" she says trying to comfort me

"How do I go about dealing with a miscarriage when I had no idea I was even pregnant. It just happened. I know the doctors said it wasn't my fault and that it started out this way but still. How am I supposed to cope with this?" I say

"You can start by giving yourself a break and start living for yourself again. You've been so closed off lately. You even pushed Gavin away and he was just trying to understand what happened" she says

"I know. I didn't know how to handle it and I still don't but I know I have to make things right" I sigh

"Damn right but I'm gonna be here to help you"


"Talked to my agent, I have the next three and a half weeks off" I tell Aspen throwing my phone on the couch

"Great because we are having a shopping day and I invited Minnie so dress comfortable" she informs me

I nod before going back into my room. I grab some leggings, along with an oversized shirt and my converses.

"I'm here ladies!" Minnie yells

I chuckle before grabbing my bag and heading back to the living room. I greet her with a hug before Aspen makes her way out of her room.

"You ladies ready to shop till we drop?" She asks excitedly

"Of course. How about dinner here afterwards?" I ask

"And movie. That would be amazing" Aspen says grabbing her purse and phone

"Sounds great to me"


"Okay, if you don't buy that, I am" I tell Minnie

"It's hot right" she says smiling

The black dress she was wearing fit her like a glove and was backless. It was perfect for her.

"How are we liking the red?" Aspen asks coming out spinning in the red dress she was wearing

"You are definitely getting that and you have to wear it when we go out next week" Aspen tells her

"What's happening next week?" I ask them

They both look at each other before turning towards me with smiles on their faces.

"Jenny invited us to the viewing for the new season. She thought it would be nice to have us there to celebrate with everyone" Minnie explains

"I told her we would come. I thought it would be nice to see everyone again" Aspen says grabbing my hand

"I don't know. Maybe I should just skip it" I say

I didn't think I was ready to see everyone again, especially Gavin. I knew everyone would have questions. Questions I wasn't ready to give answers too. I knew I needed more time to be able to answer those questions.

"I think it'll be good for you Dylan. Being able to see everyone. Including Gavin. It's been a while and I know you miss them" Minnie says softly

"I think I'm gonna try this dress on" I say quickly grabbing a light pink dress with flowers on the bottom

I close the curtain quickly before taking off my shirt. I throw the dress over my head and straighten it out. I try to ignore the the tears threatening to come out.

"Maybe it's not such a good idea" I hear Minnie whisper to Aspen

"I don't thunk so. I think it could help. She needs this" Aspen whispers back

"But what if she's not ready?" Minnie whispers

"She'll never be ready to face this. I promised her I would help her get through it and that's what I'm gonna do"

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