.029 - NEW

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Dylan Cameron

Once Gavin left, Aspen and I headed out to the mall for our little girls day. Even though the conversation with Gavin had clearly left me feeling sour, I decided to go on and try to not let it affect my day.

"So, I know that wasn't the best day to start your morning but we still have the rest of the day to do whatever we want but we have plans later" she says as we walk through the mall with our arms linked together

"And what might those plans be?" I ask curiously

"We are meeting up with everyone else for dinner but for now, lets go shopping for the kitchen' she says dragging me beside her

I follow along with her as we go through every possible thing we might need. We were trying to decide on a new color, along with placemats, kitchen towels and cleaning supplies.

"What about yellow?" She asks

"Im still thinking the blue but I don't hate the yellow" I say as we contemplate between colors

"We could just get both?" She suggests

I nod before throwing both set in the buggy along with our cleaning supplies.

"Where to next?"


"Where are we going to eat again?" I ask aspen once we are both in the car

"Everyone decided to meet up at this new steakhouse for dinner" she tells me

"Okay" I say suspiciously

I knew something was up. Any time we all have gotten together, the plans were made through the group chat but the plans for tonight had just been known to me this morning. i was hoping it wasn't anything but good news but you never know with our group. Once our car was parked, we made our way into the restaurant to see everyone waiting for us.

"What is going on?" I ask Lola as she stands to give me a hug

"You'll find out in a minute"she says before taking her seat

I give them all a look but they continue to smile at me with suspiciously. I take my seat between Lola and Aspen as baskets of bread make their way over to our table.

"We know you are wanting to know what's going on" Isabel starts

"And why you are the last to know about the plans for tonight" Sean says next

"Yeah I am. You guys are kinda scaring me now" I say crossing my arms

"We know your birthday is coming up. So, we thought it was time for another trip" Chris says as everyone smiles at me

"Okay? What have you guys got planned?" I ask suspiciously

"We thought we could go to Colorado" Minnie says

"It was my idea" Sean says smiling

"Snowboarding?" I question

"Duh, what else" David says

"Do you snowboard?" Rain asks

"My dad taught me when I was younger" I shrug

"Do you wanna go or what?" Isabel asks impatiently

"Why not" I say making them all cheer

"First things first, we have got to go get some new gear" Aspen says to the group

Everyone mostly agrees while a few of the boys had groaned at the mention of having to go out and shop for new gear.

"When do we leave?"


"You really planned this whole birthday trip without me knowing?" I ask Aspen

After we had gotten home, we changed into our pajamas before going into the kitchen to organize. Once that was done, we retired to the living room with a glass of wine.

"Of course. I know its been a sucky year but you deserve to at least have a good birthday" she says smiling at me

We sit in silence, drinking our wine together. It was nice being able to sit in silence and not have to say anything. I was thankful for Aspen. She had been there more times than I could count. She sure as hell didn't have to but she did anyways. The silence was short lived as our doorbell rings once again for the second time in a row.

"I swear if that's Gavin, im gonna strangle him myself" Aspen groans as she gets up to answer the door

I stay on the couch, waiting for her to get back and silently praying it wasn't Gavin for a second time today. I wasn't in the mood for another argument. My dad had ended pretty considering and I wasn't looking forward to anything messing that up.

"Oh. Hi Ayla" Aspen says in disbelief

"Hey Ayla. Is everything okay?" I ask getting up from the couch

"Everything is fine but I need to talk to you" she says clearing her through

"At ten o clock at night?" I question

"It'll be quick" she says smiling lightly

I give Aspen a look before she walks into her room, leaving me alone with Ayla. I wasn't sure where this conversation was gonna go but I hoped it would be a lot better than the one I had with Gavin earlier.

"What's up?" I ask rubbing my arms up and down

"Look, I know you and Gavin have a history. Im learning to be okay with it but what im not okay with, is the fact that he's left out of everything now when it comes to you guys' big group of friends. They may say they aren't choosing sides but they most certainly are and its not fair" she says

"I never meant for them to choose sides or have Gavin excluded" I tell her

"Well he definitely does feel excluded and im sorry to tell you this but it kind of is your fault Dylan. Im just asking that he's included more. You're the reason its the way it is so fix it"

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