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Dylan Cameron

To say I was nervous right now, was an understatement. I was more than happy to have the girls with me but I wanted nothing more that to be back home and in my pajamas right now.

"Ready?" Aspen asks holding her hand out for me to take

I hesitate before giving her a smile and taking the offered hand. Both her and Isabel wrap their arms around mine while guiding me through the sea of cameras. We stopped and had our pictures taken before heading inside for the event to begin.

"Well, well, if it isn't Dylan Cameron" I hear someone yell

I am then picked up and spun around, completely taking be aback. I relax once I realize it's Sean with a goofy smile on his face. I can't help but to release a giggle before being bombarded again by David and Chris.

"Long time no see dyl. Where the hell have you been?" Chris asks bringing me into a hug

"I've been working" I say not wanting to get into the real reason

"How's life been?" Sean asks

"Uh, it's going okay. I've just been really busy up until now" I say shrugging

"Well we missy, have a lot of catching up to do but first things first. Would you ladies like a drink?"


"What happened?" Chris asks

After mingling for a few hours, we all had decided to take up the booth in the corner. It was quieter and we could all relax while catching up. It wasn't until a dance line had started and most of everyone had went out to join it. All that remained was me, Chris, and Isabel.

"I don't think we should get into that now Chris. It's personal" Isabel says squeezing my hand

"Can I at least ask what happened between you and Gavin? You guys were so happy. What happened?" He asks

"It was all me. I couldn't handle it and I ended up pushing him away" I say looking down

"But why? Don't you love him?" He asks

I don't say anything as I sit there avoiding his question. I wasn't ready to get into it and it wasn't exactly the time or place for it.

"You are needed on the dance floor" David says walking up and grabbing my hands along with Sean

I can't help but smile at the goofy pair as they drag me away from Chris and all of his prodding questions. I am then spun around once again before being dipped.

"Someone's light on her feet" Sean jokes

The dance line continues as my mind empties from the previous questions asked. It felt good to be around them again. I felt happier.

"Alright, I think you need a break. Please follow me" Lola says practically dragging me away with the rest of the girls behind us

"What? I was just getting started" I pout jokingly

"You don't wanna tire yourself out" rain says with a suspiciously wide smile

"How about we head back early? Movie night? Just the girls?" Aspen suggest

They all agree while I take a moment to look at their faces. They had blocked me into a corner practically, not letting anything from outside our huddle interrupt us.

"Guys? What's going on. You're acting weirder than usual" I say crossing my arms

They don't say anything as Aspen is the first to step up. She grabs my hand while the others don't move from their current positions.

"Dylan, I know you have been through a lot these past few months and you're trying to get your mental health back to where it was" she starts off

"Just tell me what's going on" I groan out

"Gavin's here" Lola says

I stay silent before nodding. I knew I couldn't avoid seeing him tonight and I also knew we had unfinished business. After everything that happened last time we talked, we definitely needed to have another conversation. Things were said but also left unsaid. It wasn't exactly the highlight of our relationship to say the least but it definitely needed to happen.

"He didn't come alone Dylan"

Happier Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora