
241 5 0

Dylan Cameron

"When you guys said I could plan the day, I'm pretty sure this isn't what you had in mind" I say sitting back to relax

Instead of choosing something we always do, I decided on a spa day. The whole group was currently getting a massage or getting their feet done. David was sitting back with a face mask and cucumber on his eyes while Sean and Chris look at the ladies weirdly as they start applying their face mask as well. It was a very entertaining sight to see.

"I actually don't mind. I'm really enjoying this at the moment" David says sighing in content

Sean gives him a funny look before cucumbers are placed over his eyes. He shrugs before laying back and finally relaxing since we stepped into this place.

"I for one am glad we let Dylan pick" Aspen says showing off her toes

"I second that agreement" Lola says with a smile

"Im enjoying being able to relax and hangout with you guys but I draw the line at mud baths" Sean groans

"Don't worry. After this, I have a special surprise for you guys"


"This is your idea of fun?" Aspen asks groaning

After leaving the spa, I had made an appointment for us to go play a few rounds of paintball. I knew the guys would love it and it honestly seemed like something fun to do.

"I don't care what you say, I am here for it" Isabel says giving me a high five

"What's the teams?" David asks with a confused look on his face

"No team" I tell him backing away slowly

They all look at me weirdly before noticing me backing away.

"It's everybody for themselves!" I yell while shooting Aspen and Lola


I release a laugh as I run behind a hay bale. I knew it would be easy to get Aspen and Lola out. They weren't very fond of this game. Especially Aspen. She wasn't a very athletic person when it came to physical activity. While hiding, I can see David and rain rounding the corner trying to sneak up on each other, also failing to see me locked and loaded at the ready.

"Damn it!" Rain tells

"That wasn't fair" David pouts playfully

"Life isn't fair!"


"Out of everyone playing, how did you manage to beat all of us?" Minnie asks Aspen taking a seat on the couch

"That's what happens when you underestimate me" Aspen smirks

"You're also viscous. You shot at my face" Chris says dramatically

"But did you die?" Aspen asks in a serious voice

We all laugh as they continue to go back and forth. Not only with Chris complaining about aspens aim but Sean also had a complaint or two.

"As you guys know, my birthdays coming up and I'm throwing a party" Isabel says excitedly

"Of course and when is the birthday extravaganza taking place?" I ask her

"The party is next weekend. Of course you're all invited" Chris says

"Is there a theme?"lola asks

"It's y2k themed" Isabel tells everyone

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