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Dylan Cameron

"Hey Dylan? Are you going with us to pick up new gear for Colorado?" Aspen asks knocking on my door

"No, I think i'm good with my gear and stuff. I actually have other plans today but I can meet up with you guys after" I suggest

Right as Aspen walked in, I had just finished getting ready. I had plans with Michael today. I had actually texted him back the other day after we had went out for breakfast once our shoot had finished.

"And where are you going?" She questions

"Out" I say trying to be discreet

"Would Michael happen to be going with you?" She smirks

"Possibly" I sigh

"Are you actually giving him a chance?" She asks shocked

"I wouldn't exactly confirm that yet. We are simply just hanging out" I tell her

"You guys have hung out three times since that photoshoot? You might not be giving him a chance but you're definitely interested" she says smiling

I remain quiet as I put my shoes on. Aspen still has that knowing grin on her face as I finish. I continue to ignore her as I grab my bag and phone.

"I will see you later. Text me if you need me"


"And what exactly are we doing today?" I ask as he helps me out of the car

"I signed us up for a baking class. We get to make homemade cakes and cookies" he says cheerfully

I chuckle before following behind him. He opens the door for me and the smell of sweets hits me in the face. It instantly made me hungry the closer we got to the back.

"Hungry?" He asks as my stomach starts growling

"Maybe a little bit. Im a sucker for cupcakes" I say groaning at the freshly iced ones sitting on the counter

"Good to know. Now, are you ready to bake?" He asks in a weird voice

"Lets do this" I say putting on an apron

Walking up to the counter, the only things to be seen are a list of ingredients, steps on how to make each of the cakes, and different bowls to use when mixing.

"Where's the teacher?" I ask

"No teacher. Its just us making whatever it is they have laid out for us to make" he says smiling widely

I shake my head amused. I pick up the card that's giving us step by step directions on how to make homemade chocolate chip cookies.

"Okay, we are gonna need flour, eggs, butter, and chocolate chips to start"


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