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Dylan Cameron

"Dylan" I can hear my dad calling me through my bedroom door

After being bombarded with the realization that everyone now knew about my miscarriage, I wanted nothing more than to crawl in a dark hole.

"Dyl open the door" he says knocking softly

I sigh, letting my feet hit the carpet and forcing myself up to open the door. Once it's open, my dad throws his arms around me. His hugs always made me feel better but this time was different. I wasn't upset or embarrassed that anyone knew. I was angry. Angrier than I had ever been in my life.

"Who would do this?" I ask my dad coldly

"I don't know sweetie but I'm sorry anybody ever found out. It shouldn't have happened like this" he says hugging me tighter

"It shouldn't have happened at all" I huff

I break away as my phone is suddenly flooded with a bunch of calls and texts. I'm guessing everyone now knew the news was out. Great.

"Hello" I say sliding my thumb across the screen

"Dylan, are you okay?" Aspen asks worriedly

"Do you need us?" I hear Lola yell into the phone

"I'm fine. I just wanna know what idiot with the big mouth said something and why" I say rolling my eyes

"Okay so we are over sad and depressed Dylan and we are now moved onto angry Dylan" I hear Sean trying to joke

"This isn't a joke. I'm serious. What idiot has the audacity to go out and spread my private and personal information?" I say growing angrier by the minute

"I don't know Dyl but I'd be lying if I said I didn't have an idea" Aspen says

"There's no way she would do that. Not after everything" Isabel says unsure

"I'm not sure if she would but I can promise all of you that I will find out" I say before hanging up

I quickly switch my phone off and put it in my drawer. Out of sight, out of mind. I try taking deep breaths. Trying to calm myself down. It's short lived as I hear a commotion happening downstairs.

"What's going on?" I ask annoyed

I lean over the stair rail trying to get a better view of what's going on. I am then shocked to see my dad and mom arguing but then they both stop as soon as they look up to see me.

"Dylan" my mom whispers

"What's she doing here?" I ask shaking it off and crossing my arms

"She was just leaving" my dad says trying to get her to the front door

"I needed to see you" she says swatting away my dads hands

"Why? I needed you my mother but you weren't here. Why should I let you see me now?" I ask feeling the anger coming back again

"I'm sorry. I know that doesn't help but I wanna try. I'm sorry Dylan. I love you and I miss you. Please let me make this right" she begs with tears in her eyes

I continue to stare at her. I knew I missed her and I wanted nothing more than for her to be in my life but the timing is off. This is not the best time for her to come in and beg for forgiveness.

"I can't"


"How did she know where you lived?" I ask my dad

It was now 2am and we were both in the kitchen eating ice cream together. After spending most of my day in my room, I had made my way out for something to eat.

"We've had dinner here before" he tells me

"Why?" I ask curiously

"I wanted to see if she had truly changed. If maybe there was a chance she was being truthful. I wanted to make sure she wasn't lying. Especially before letting her see you again" he says not meeting my eyes

"What aren't you telling me?" I ask suspicious

"What do you mean?" He asks still not wanting to look at me

"I know when you're not tell me something dad. What's going on?" I ask scooping out more ice cream

"There's also another reason why your mom and I had dinner before I would let her see you" he says softly

"And that reason is?" I question

He sighs before setting down his bowl. He clears his throat before turning to face me.

"You remember anything before your mom left?" He asks

"I was fourteen. I remember mostly everything. Mom was still pretty cold to me" I say shrugging

"Do you remember anything else?" He ask

"Dad, just tell me. What's going on?" I ask getting impatient

"Shortly after your mom left, she had gotten sick so she went to the doctor. Sweetie, you have a little brother" he says finally spitting it out

"I have a brother?" I ask surprised

"You do" he confirms

I don't say anything as silence overcomes us. I wasn't sure what to make of this. I wasn't even sure of what to think of my mom being back.

"So what, she wants me to meet him?" I ask mindlessly stirring around my ice cream

"She would but only if you're up for it" he says not wanting to push me

"So that means me and her would have to sit down and have a conversation eventually" I say sighing

"Maybe but there's no rush. That's the last thing either of us want" he says reassuring me

I sigh, standing up and grabbing my bowl to bring it over to the sink to be washed.

"I'm gonna go to bed. Goodnight"

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