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Dylan Cameron

"Are you sure you're up for this?" My dad asks

I had taken him up on the offer for us to meet up with my mom for lunch. I wasn't sure on how this was gonna go but I knew it couldn't have ended as bad as last time.

"At least this'll be less painful than everyone finding out about my miscarriage" I say jokingly

"Dylan" my dad says as his face drop

"What? It's my trauma. I can joke about it if I want" I shrugging

He shakes his head not knowing what to say about the current topic of conversation. I laugh a little at his awkwardness and continue to follow behind him towards the car.

"Are you excited to meet your brother?" He asks turning out of our driveway

"I guess but I know it's gonna be awkward" I say putting on my sunglasses

"Probably but I think it'll be good for you" he says trying to be encouraging

I say nothing as he continues to drive. My dad had decided to pick one of his restaurants so we could have some type of privacy. After the news broke, it seemed anyone and everyone needed to know every single move I made.

My dad parks the car and we both quickly get out and head inside.

"Hello boss and hello boss's mini me" Angelina says smiling as soon as we walk in

"Hey ange" I say being polite

"Hey Angelina. Everything going good today?" My dad asks

"So far yes. They are still getting the kitchen reorganized, we also put in an order for anything we are out of, and everything's been sanitized" she tells him

"Good. Just make sure everything is down in a timely manner. If some stuff doesn't get finished, that's fine. Just finish in the morning and please keep the doors locked. We don't need anyone who isn't staff or family in here today" he tells her

She nods before walking off to another part of the building. I follow my dad over to the dining hall to see my mom sitting down with a little boy who looks to be seven, sitting across from her.

"Hi" my mom says

I nod in acknowledgment. I wasn't sure what to say. It had been years since I had seen her.

"Hello" the little boy says looking up at me

"Hi" I say smiling

"I've seen you somewhere" he says cocking his head to the side

He looks as if he's trying to figure out where he's seen me from. I smile, taking a seat beside him so we could be face to face.

"You've probably seen me on tv or maybe a magazine" I say

"Mama, is she the one on that show we watch?" He asks in his curious little seven year old voice

"She is honey" my mom says smiling at him sweetly

I clear my throat before taking a sip of my water. It was weird seeing my mom be sweet. Especially since she mostly ignored me the whole time she was around.

"So, Dylan. How have you been?" My mom asks making conversation

"I've been working. Trying to see dad whenever I can. We just recently got back from my vacation birthday" I say trying to be civil

"And how was that?" She asks

"It was nice. My friends planned the whole thing. It was nice" I tell her

"I'll be right back ladies. I have something that needs my attention" my dad says stepping away

As soon as he does, my mom grabs my hand softly.

"I know this is long overdue and I really have no excuse for how I treated you. I know I was a shitty mom but I want nothing more than to make that up to you" she says

Taking in her words, she seems genuinely sorry. I wasn't really sure about her true intentions but I was willing to work on things with her.

"I'm willing to give you a chance but there will be boundaries in place. You've been gone a long time" I tell her

"I'm okay with that. As long as I can get a chance, I'm okay with whatever rules or boundaries you have in place" she says smiling widely

"Now, I'll let you ask anything but if it's too far out of my comfort zone, I will not answer" I tell her

"That's okay. How's your life? Your friends? Are you still friends with Gavin and Aspen?" She asks

"My life is okay. I'm sure you've seen what's being said on social media but that's not something I'm willing to dive into yet. As for Gavin and Aspen, yes we are all still friends. Gavin and I actually are still friends, I guess" I explain to her

"I've seen what's being said but I understanding you not wanting to talk about it but what do you mean you guess you guys are still friends?" She asks concerned

"I'm not sure. We haven't talked yet about my miscarriage making headlines and I don't think that conversation will end well either" I tell her

"Why wouldn't it end well? I thought you guys were still on good terms? I know you guys dated but I thought you guys had been working on staying friends" she says

"I don't wanna say this and be wrong. I wanna give people the benefit of the doubt but because of how the trip ended, I think his ex is the one that leaked I had a miscarriage"

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