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Dylan Cameron

"Dylan" Nadia sings out trying to wake me up

I groan turning over trying to tune her out. I didn't have to look at the clock to know it was way too early for me to be awake. I take advantage of any time of the free time I have. I'm usually awake hours before the sun is up on work days and now that I am on vacation for the next week, I was going to get the much needed sleep I deserved.

"Look, I know you're sleepy but there is no way I'm going to get breakfast by myself. So get up, throw on some shoes and a pair of sunglasses and let's go" she says snatching the covers off of me

"You're lucky I care enough not to let you go out by yourself" I groan rolling my eyes

I sit up, yawning. I can see the sun rising as I sit there. Jackson was asleep beside me. Snoring away. I roll my eyes before pushing him onto the floor.

"I'm up!" He yells jumping up on his feet

"Good. If I have to be up this early then so do you" I say walking over to the bathroom

I use the bathroom before washing my hands and brushing my hair. I pull my hair up in a ponytail and head back out to the living room. I slip on my shoes and sunglasses before Nadia wraps her arm around mine along with Jackson's.

"Tell me why we are up this early?" He asks slipping on his sunglasses as well

"I was hungry and both of you know we have a rule against any of us going out by ourselves" she says pushing the button for the elevator

"Fair point. What are we getting for breakfast?" I ask yawning

"Instead of going to sit down, I called in at the diner down the street" Nadia says as we continue our walk

"Great. More sleep for me" I say smiling

Nadia laughs before dragging me and Jackson to the entrance of the diner. The rings and we are then greeted by the staff.

"Order for Nadia" Nadia says with a smile

I take a seat by the door while waiting for our food to be put together. There's a couple sitting in the back, talking in hushed tones as the tv is nothing more than background noise at this point. My attention then turns back to Jackson as he looks as if he's gonna fall back asleep any second now. I then feel a poke on my shoulder. I see a group of two girls looking at me with light smiles as my attention is focused on them. Even in my sleepy state, I managed to smile at them sweetly.

"We just wanted to say we love you Dylan and you're so strong" the red head says with a look of pity

I try not to let my smile faulted at this new sudden emotion on her face that has replaced her smile altogether.

"Um, thank you. Would you guys like a picture?" I ask awkwardly

"Oh no that's okay. I just wanted you to know you're not alone. I lost my baby two years ago and I know how hard it is when dealing with something like that" the brunette says

As soon as she says those words, I feel as if the wind is knocked out of me. I continue to stare at her, not being able to move. How did she know? How did anybody know except my circle of trusted friends and family.

"Sorry ladies. Dylan? Dylan what is it?" Nadia says trying to snap me out of it

"Dylan?" I hear Jackson asks

I still can't come to terms with the fact that this girl, someone who barely even knew me, knew about my unfortunate deal of fate. This made no sense. Nobody else should know except the people I trusted most. Especially the public.

"Who the hell told?"

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