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Dylan Cameron

"Are you sure about tonight?" Aspen asks

We had set up the counter with a bunch of food for tonight, as well as some wine and games for later.

"Yes. I've missed them and they have been trying to get in touch with me these last few months. I can't keep avoiding them" I tell her

She nods before giving my hand a gentle squeeze. I give her smile before setting up the rest of the living room before the girls get here.

"I have all the blankets and pillows setup. I also have the first twilight movie ready to go when they get here" Aspen tells me

Before I can reply, loud knocks are heard at the door. I release a chuckle before opening the door and being bombarded into a group hug.

"Miss me or something?" I joke

"Obviously!" They all yell simultaneously

"Where the hell have you been? You went MIA after you left for Vancouver and Gavin refuses to talk about what happened" Isabel says

I give Aspen a look as they all crowd into the living room and taking a seat.

"Okay before I tell you guys what happened, I'm gonna need a glass of wine" I joke grabbing a glass and filling it up half way

I take a sip and release a sigh before taking a seat in front of them.

"It happened my first month of being in Vancouver. I thought maybe it was me over working myself or just a stomach bug. It happened to be neither. I didn't find out until I ended up in the hospital" I say

"Hospital? Dylan what the hell?" Lola says loudly

"And you didn't think to call us?" Minnie says in disbelief

"I know you guys are upset but can you let her finish? Please? Go ahead Dylan" Aspen says

They quiet before waving me on to tell the rest of the story.

"Apparently, I was pregnant at the time but I didn't know it. It all happened at once and the next thing I know, I'm in recovery and my cast mates, along with the director are in my room waiting to tell me the news. It was hard hearing it at first and then Gavin had come to visit. I told him what happened and he tried to be there but I pushed him away. I didn't know how to cope after my miscarriage" I say looking down

"Is that why he refuses to talk about you?" Isabel asks softly

I nod making the room go silent once again. I take a deep breath, along with another gulp of my wine before explaining what happened to my pregnancy.

"They called it an ectopic pregnancy. They explained it wasn't my fault but it was set that way from the beginning. There was nothing I could do to stop it" I say shrugging

They don't say anything as they all crowd around me and bring me into their arms. Nothing had to be said. They all just understood that in this moment, this hug was all I needed.

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