.026 - NEW

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Dylan cameron

The last few days had really gone by. It was nice to spend the day off and night have to worry about the next early day of work for me started. It helped a lot and now I was more than ready for the interviews later on today.

"So kid, I wanted to talk to you. Its about the interviews" marge says coming up to me with her phone in one hand a very large coffee in the other

"What's up, marge?" I ask her with my eyes closed

I was currently getting my makeup done, as well as everyone else. As soon as I stepped foot into the building, I was rushed over to a chair to get my hair done first.

"I just wanted to ask, what interview questions are off limits today?" She questions

"You mean regarding Gavin?" I ask

She nods silently while waiting for me to tell her. I had to admit, it was kind of nice that she asked before the interviews started. It would be very helpful considering I wanted no part in dealing with anything Gavin.

"All of them. I don't wanna sit through an interview where the questions are all about my ex. Please make sure none of those types of questions are asked?" I ask all but pleaded

She nods before typing on her phone and walking away. Once she's out of sight, I close my eyes again so I could finish with my makeup. I was ready to sink my teeth into something. I hadn't eaten a thing since five am and I was dying for just a taste of something.

"Hey Dylan?" Rainbow says making me jump at the sound of her voice

"Gosh you scared me. What's up?" I ask with my eyes still closed

"I have something here for you but I need you to open your eyes before I walk away" she says

I can hear the smile in her voice as she talks. I let out a giggle before being able to open my eyes again. Once they are open, I see a giant bouquet of white daisies. My eyes widen in surprise before opening the card attached. I smile reading the chicken scratches that milo calls handwriting.

"That's not just from milo but from all of us. We wanted you to know that we are always here. Its been a hard year but we are all happy to know you and have you apart of the cast" she says smiling

"If I wasn't in a rush to get this done, I would jump up and hug you. I really appreciate this and you guys" I tel her wiping under my eyes

"Of course. We love you Dylan but I think I better get out of here so you can finish your makeup. Ill see you in a few minutes"


"Thank you for covering with the interview marge" I say to her as we walk back towards the green room and away from the cameras

"That's what I'm here for but for now, you guys can chill out before the next one but please be ready when it's time. We do not need to hold up the time slots for the other interviews" marge says before walking away

Grabbing a plate, I start pilling on some fruit before going to sit at a table closest to a window. It is short lived as my phone starts blowing up with messages from the group chat. I ignored it for the time being as rainbow, milo, and nick walk up to my table.

"So, how did you like the flowers?" Nick asks

"I loved them. Thank you guys" I say squeezing his hand

"It was my idea to pick them out" milo says in a sassy tone

"But who knew what her favorite flower is?" Rainbow retorts playfully

"Doesn't matter because it did the job. Hey, we were thinking of going out tonight after our last interview. You wanna join?" Nick asks

"I would love to but ill have to head back to my place to grab a change of clothes" I tell them

"You can borrow something of mine. Plus, we haven't been out together since the beginning of the show. You have to come" she tells me not willing to take no as an answer

"Fine. Ill go out with you guys" I say rolling my eyes playfully

"Great. After the last interview, you can ride home with me"


"How's that one?' Rainbow asks from the other side of the door

Once we made it to her hotel, I was thrown an outfit and pushed into her bathroom to get ready. Lucky for me, the only thing that needed to be done was an outfit change. My hair and makeup still looked great but there was no way I could wear the pajamas I had worn to the building this morning.

"For some reason, you and Aspen both like seeing me in black" I say walking out of the bathroom fully dressed

"You look hot" she says in an obvious tone

"Thank you. We ready to go?"

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