.034 - NEW

198 3 2

Dylan Cameron


I was hating this day right now. Nothing more I disliked than being awake this early. Especially when I didn't have to work but I couldn't be too mad. Today is the beginning of our vacation and I was more than excited to be hanging out with everyone again. I turn my alarm off before heading into my bathroom to get ready for the day. I start with my skin care of course before doing my hair. I did a quick braid before picking out an all black body suit to wear with a puffer jacket to go along and a pair of boots to match. After I'm done, I start waking up the others to get ready.

"Rain, Lola, and Minnie. It's time to get up. We have an hour until the car gets here to take us to the airport" I say shaking them lightly

"How are you up right now" rain groans

"Honestly, I have no clue" I joke

I head to the kitchen for some coffee while waiting for everybody to get ready. I knew they would take the full hour making sure everything was packed and ready to go. I take a seat at the bar, scrolling through my phone as Aspen comes walking out of her room, fully dressed and ready to go.

"Wow, you're actually ready" I say impressed

"Yeah yeah. Did make enough coffee?" She asks grabbing a cup from the cabinet

"Yes. The car should be here in less than an hour" I inform her

"Are you guys almost ready?" Aspen ask as I grab my bag and roll it into the living room

"Yes. What I'm not ready for is the three hour plane ride but it could be worse" Lola say frowning

"It won't be too bad" aspen says dragging two big suitcases behind her

"Speaking of which, do you have everything?' I question her

"Yes" aspen groans

"You have your laptop, phone, your chargers? What about your drivers license? Or your ID?" I list off

"I have all of it" she says looking through her purse

"Good. Now I do believe the car is outside waiting to take us to the airport"


"Okay, I don't know about you guys but I need a nap" Minnie frowns before heading up the stairs

After our plane landed, we were brought to our cabin. Isabel and Chris had rented out a cabin with six bedrooms and three bathrooms. It also came with an amazing view, as well as a hot tub.

"When is everyone else getting here?" Aspen asks Isabel

"They should be here any minute" Isabel says

"We need to talk about dinner tonight. I don't mind cooking but we have to get to the store" I tell them

"Okay, I can get Chris to drive because I refuse to drive in the snow" Isabel tells me

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