.028 - NEW

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Dylan Cameron

"And she's finally awake" aspen says from the counter with a cup of coffee in her hand

She had her laptop set up along with freshly made breakfast. She gives me knowing look as she continues to scroll through her laptop.

"Sorry for getting in so late. Everybody went out after our last few interviews and they wanted me to join them" I tell her

"That I didn't mind but you told me last minute. I had no clue where you were" she says with a slight frown on her face

"I know. Im sorry but im free today. What do you say we make it a Aspen and Dylan day?" I ask making her smile

"I know we just had one but I love our days. We get to shop till we drop" she says jokingly

"I hope some of that shopping includes some new things for the kitchen and living room" I tell her

"Oh definitely. We for sure need a new trashcan" she tells me

"What happened to the one that opens when you wave your hand in front of it?' I ask curiously

"I broke it" she says sheepishly

"How the hell did you break it, Aspen?" I chuckle

"I may had been drunk and it wouldn't open for me. So, one thing led to another and now its broken" she says with a smile

"Fine. First thing we pick up is a new trashcan. Anything else we might need to replace?" I ask before heading into my bedroom to get ready

"No just the trashcan" she yells behind me

Starting off my routine, I decide to wash my face before anything else. While in the middle of finishing off my skin care, I can hear the doorbell ring. I continue with what I'm doing, knowing its probably the rest of the girls. Knowing aspen, she probably invited them to join us for the day.

"Ill be out in a few guys. I just need to do my hair and pick out something to wear!" I yell

There's silence at my words but I don't dare to stop. I braid my hair, not wanting to do anything extra to it. I went light with the makeup and the outfit. The outfit consisted of a pair of mom jeans and a slightly oversized vintage shirt tucked in halfway. I throw on my converse and some jewelry before making my way out to the living room with everyone else.

"Im ready whenever you guys are" I say

Once my voice is heard, Aspen turns to look away from who she's talking to. That person revealed to be Gavin. Aspen has her arms crossed while Gavin looks at me awkwardly with his hands in his pockets.

"Says he wants to talk to you but I can kick him out if you want" Aspen says rolling her eyes

Gavin gives me a look that's almost pleading. I wasn't sure what to do in the moment considering I had been completely caught off guard by the sudden visit.

"Okay, time to go. It obviously isn't a good time" Aspen says shooing Gavin out of our apartment

"Uh, no its fine. Ill only be five minutes. leave right after?" I ask her

She nods as she continues to look at Gavin. I roll my eyes before going to the balcony to talk with him in private.

"What's up?" I ask closing the door behind me

"I just wanted to apologize" he starts off

"For what?" I ask confused

"The way we announced our engagement and because of the day we announced it" he says softly

I nod in acknowledgment. I didn't exactly know what to say to that. It was pretty messy for them to announce it on that day but there's not much we can do about it now. What's done is done.

"Is that all?" I ask clearing my voice

"Well, I was hoping we could talk through things. I know our last conversation didn't exactly end on the best note but id still like you to be somewhat apart of my life, Dylan" he says

"Apart of your life?" I ask in disbelief

"Is that so hard to believe?" He asks

"Yeah, kind of" I say crossing my arms

"Do you really hate me that much Dylan?" He asks with a frown becoming prominent on his face

I stay quiet at his question. Ive played it over in my mind before. I didn't hate him. I couldn't hate him. That was the problem. No matter what has happened between us, I knew I could never hate him.

"I don't hate you. Maybe it would be easier if I did but I don't. Im still very much in love with you but you, you got selfish. When the going got tough, you walked away and found someone else" I rant

"Maybe because you gave up on us Dylan. I know you were hurting but so was I and you just quit us" he says

"I didn't give up. I told you we should put our engagement on hold. I told you how I felt and how I was trying. I never gave up on us. All I asked for, was a break but you left. You left me for someone you thought was better" I say with tears in my eyes

"Dylan" he says

He tries to move closer but I back away. I wipe my eyes, straightening myself out.

"It doesn't matter, Gavin. In the end, you got what you wanted" I shrug

He stays quiet but I can tell he wants to say something. Anything. At this very moment. I didn't have the heart to continue to listen to him. This conversation would get us nowhere.


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